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In honor of ER -- The bust dollar cheat sheet

cardinalcardinal Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭✭✭
In honor of ER's guess the date/variety threads, I'm giving the Forum the first public look at the latest publication from The Cardinal Collection -- The Earlydollars.org Die Variety Attribution Wizard This wizard allows the quick attribution of any known die variety of early dollar coined for circulation (i.e., proof bust dollars are excluded).

Just compare the close-up images to your coin, click the mouse on the matching image, and in no time you'll have the correct attribution.

For now, the wizard is best accessed via a broadband connection, but (after just a bit more fine tuning) it will soon be available in CD form, to run in lightning speed on the convenience of your own computers.

Earlydollars.org Die Variety Attribution Wizard


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