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Bought a house----**GIVEAWAY**---Winner Posted

My family just bought a house.image
We had rented house for 4 years since we moved to Canada.
We are very happy now because we finally have our own house.

To celerbrate this BIG event, I am doing a giveaway.

RULE: Guess the price of the house that we brought. The person who guesses correct or closest will win.

1900 Canadian 25c G3
1917 Canadian 5c VG/F
1930 Canadian 5c VG
1986 China 5Fen EF/AU

Sorry guys, I know the prize if not very good, but since I am still a YN, that is the best I can do.

HINT: The house is at downtown Toronto.


EDITED: I will announce the winner at 10PM EST this Sunday night.

The price for the house is $550,000. Therefore, the winner is arlea1957 with a closest guess of 625,000.
Arlea1957, please pm me with your address.
Thanks to everyone!


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