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Digital Photography Questions -- Help????

Okay so I'm finally ready to get serious about taking pics of my coins. Now that I've seen everyone elses pics I cant stand looking at mine anymore. I've dabbled in the past, sometimes I got lucky sometimes I didn't. I think alot of it had to do with the consistency of the lighting and camera placement. I've tried to use some of the cheaper alternatives to lighting, stands, diffusers ect. I cleaned out my garage/workbench and decided to turn it into a small studio. I figure by leaving the everything setup, the consistency and thus the look of the pics should be same for each pic.

I got a little extra money from selling off some coins and now I'm ready to spend a little so that I'll have some decent accessories. I got the camera -- Olympus C-5050 with a great macro feature so I'm set there. But here's what I'm thinking about buying

Cloud Dome for proof coins -- $149.95 from B&H

A Testrite Copy Stand & Lights for $135.95

BH says only use 75watt lights for the stand, and I normally use Reveal Bulbs, but does anyone have a better suggestion on what bulb to use?

I am also getting a used laptap that I would like to use to screen each shot. Is there software/hardware available for the Olympus that might allow that?

And finally, any other advice would be greatly appreciated!



  • Meh... I don't use any of that sissy stuff!! image

    Though, a copystand would be useful... you don't need the $150 "Clouddome" Go get a 2 dollar and 28 cent lampshade from Wally World, and cut out the metal pieces at the top... now you have yourself a "Clouddome."
  • I know I can do it cheaper and I have -- but its not giving me the consistency of images I want. The lampshade is a great alternative, but I'm realizing that if you want quality -- you have to spend a little more for it.


  • << <i>I know I can do it cheaper and I have -- but its not giving me the consistency of images I want. The lampshade is a great alternative, but I'm realizing that if you want quality -- you have to spend a little more for it.

    TPN >>

    Not in this case... ditch the dome... go for the damn lampshade image I have almost no consistancy in my setup, as I have to take it down 2-3-4 times a week... I still get good pictures...
  • CrackoutCrackout Posts: 1,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm with the G-man, the expense on the "extra" equipment isn't necessary in my opinion. A good camera makes it pretty easy when you can control the white balance and have it stationary (tripod). I use a desk lamp and a piece of reflective 5" x 7" glass from an old picture frame for my toner shots. I go to the garage under the flourescent lights for my luster shots. And the lampshade trick seems to work for proofs.

    Use that extra $300 to buy some more coins!!
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    Personally I would get the copystand but ditch the non-adjustable lights. I like having lights on a gooseneck that I can move around and place closer to the camera. I don't care for the cloud dome/lampshade technique. I don't like the heavily diffused lighting that they produce.
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
  • - Copy stands can help, but mainly for the hassle of holding the camera, not image quality (unless you have dim light).
    - There are some threads on axial lighting search for those and read.
    - Consistent lighting is the key (for type of coin) and WHITE balance, make sure your camera settings or lights don't introduce unnatural hues.

  • carlcarl Posts: 2,054
    In my opinion you should change your hobby to photography. Just kidding. Go back and get the coins you sold unless taking pictures of coins is more important than the coins themselves. I've got 3 digital cameras, about 15 film cameras, 10 strobes, umbrellas and all kind of other stuff from when I used to be interested in photography. I'm not to good at taking pictures of coins so I just don't bother. I try it once in a while and found putting a coin on a window ledge during the day, take a good gulp of a Martini, holding my breath and praying gets just as good results as with all kinds of special equipment. Maybe it's the Martini that just makes everything look better.
  • ldhairldhair Posts: 7,262 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Man. A 150 bucks for a white plastic bowl with a hole in itimage

  • p8ntp8nt Posts: 2,947 ✭✭✭
    Im with Carl on this one (- the martini though) I sit down on the floor, open the window, tape a tissue to the screen, and prop the slab in the corner of the window sill with a piece of white paper behind it. Then I take my camera, set it on the window sill and click the button.
  • Cloud dome - NO
    Copy stand - YES
    Lights - NO

    The cloud dome is a waste of money ... If I really feel I need it (seldom) I use one of those horrible dog collars the vet put on my dog to keep him from scratching after an operation. Translucent plastic - adjustable - cheap!

    The copy stand does make things easier - no question about it. Not a requirement, but nice.

    The lights - go with something with a gooseneck arrangement!

    AND ... get a fast computer and PhotoShop. Then spend a day or two buried with a book to teach you how to use PhotoShop. In the end it's worth it!

    Also ... I have 2 Olympus cameras that have decent macro abilities (C-700 and C-725). But, the Nikons beat those Olympus cameras on macro mode every time. I exclusively use a Nikon CP-5000 camera for macro work.

    Good luck and have fun!

  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Michael, as Mark mentioned, ditch the non adjustable lights. Get the CS2 copy stand with the flexilble 23-C lights.
  • stev32kstev32k Posts: 2,098 ✭✭✭
    I will second what others have said the cloud dome is a waste of money. The lamp shade will work sometimes, a frosted glass light fixture is better other times, and a milk jug with the top and bottom cut out will work more times than anything else (honestly, it really will). A good copy stand is mandatory, but light stands can be made from PVC pipe. Spend your main money on lenses, flashes, strobes, and umbrellas.
    Who is General Failure, and why is he reading my hard drive?
  • Okay -- I'm switching to the stand with the gooseneck lights -- should I add on another set of lights to make it a total of 4????


    As for the dome ---- I understand that the lampshade might work and I'll try one out before buying the dome.

    Now -- what lights should I use? Reveal or are there better?

    What technique is useful for capturing color and luster? I know K6AZ can do it. What's your secret?

  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭

    << <i>
    What technique is useful for capturing color and luster? I know K6AZ can do it. What's your secret?

    TPN >>

    High angle lighting.
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570
    Marty's lampshade - $5.99 at K-Mart

    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • LeeGLeeG Posts: 12,162
    image TonedPeaceNut,
    I use a NIKON 5700, the Stand you last Shown, Lampshade, and GE Reveal 75W bulbs and I got this shot:

  • GonfunkoGonfunko Posts: 1,481 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Okay -- I'm switching to the stand with the gooseneck lights -- should I add on another set of lights to make it a total of 4????


    As for the dome ---- I understand that the lampshade might work and I'll try one out before buying the dome.

    Now -- what lights should I use? Reveal or are there better?

    What technique is useful for capturing color and luster? I know K6AZ can do it. What's your secret?

    TPN >>

    I have that model of copystand, and must say I'm rather pleased with it. I'd probably add the 2 extra lights, since the 2 it comes with leave some dark areas on the coin. I'm currently using 2 desk lamps in addition to the lights on the copystand. I've got regular incandescent lights, and adjust the white balance on the camera, but only because I can't find the Sylvanias that K6AZ recommended anywhere on Puerto Rico.
  • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
    Copy Stand and Photoflex 500 watt Starlites ( 2 of them ) image


  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    I'm only using two lights in similar goosenecks (I don't have a circular camera pole so couldn't use the Testrite flexibles). I strongly recommend the Sylvania Daylight Plus PAR 30 halogen bulbs. You can only get them at Lowe's and a few other select hardware stores. As Mark pointed out, the trick for toned coins is a high angle of light, preferrably level with the camera lens and as close as you can get them to the lens without causing shadows.
  • Thanks for all the help. I did order the extra set of lights figuring that 2 would leave shadows. I'm off to Loews to hunt down the bulbs K6AZ recommended and off to KMart to find a better lampshade.

    I'm going to try to re-photograph my entire collection. I'll post some pics as I experiment with angles & lighting!

  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    I want to see some nice toned peace dollars.
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
  • image

    Thats what I'm hoping to be able to do! I got some nice toners but I can't share them with the Board since I'm never happy with the pics. Well hopefully with everyones help, I can get it done!

  • Michael,
    It doesn't take a ton of money to get nice pictures. I made the copy stand, lights from walmart ($7 each), Reveal 60 watt bulbs (clear, not the clouded ones), Nikon 5400. I've since upgraded my copy stand table to a really nice oak end table i found on sale for $46.
    I'm still learning the camera and which settings and lighting work best, that's normal for anyone i guess.







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