1. I'm curious to see if there's any interest in the sets/cards that I have. So far, there's been quite a bit of interest - at least more than I thought there would be.
2. If this goes well, I'm preparing myself to sell the rest of my collection. That's basically where this is going... we'll see!
2 years ago, I liquidated most of my collection to pay for a down payment. Now, it's the backyard landscaping that needs some cash for the budget I'm not as "tied" to my cards anymore. I'm sure I'll find more to collect once the backyard is all paid for!
2. If this goes well, I'm preparing myself to sell the rest of my collection. That's basically where this is going... we'll see!
2 years ago, I liquidated most of my collection to pay for a down payment. Now, it's the backyard landscaping that needs some cash for the budget I'm not as "tied" to my cards anymore. I'm sure I'll find more to collect once the backyard is all paid for!