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Your probably tired of me already, but...More Toned Morgans :)

Yes I know it seems like every other day I am posting new pictures of additions to my toned Morgan set, but............................I just have to share. image My criteria has been simple:

A) It has to be graded by PCGS, NGC, or ANACS as I don't trust the others and their are too many raw AT coins out there these days. I know that some of these AT's have made it into the big 3's holders, but hey if they can't tell or it's market acceptable then I am OK with the coin.

B) It has to be toned, but not black or splotchy

C) It has to be affordable...this is a big one for us guys on a budget image

D) It has to have what I consider good eye appeal..............notice how I stressed "I" since not everyone will always agree with my pics.

So without further adue let me introduce you to my new little friends:

1885 Morgan


1904-O Morgan


By the way I purchased one of them from darin-5 and I know that's a board member, but I can't remember which one???


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