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Hi, my name is FrattLaw and I'm a coin addict ---

Well, after a couple of months of sabbatical I am back, at least on a part time basis. And no I didn't die, no I wasn't in the hospital and no I'm not afraid of David Hall and his grading contest. Which by the way, David, I still want to try at the next Long Beach show. Jeremy's email prompted my return and made me realize how much I actually missed this place and all the great people who post here.

The reason why I left was that my new firm just exploded with business several months ago and I had to get my priorities in line. Basically in a 3 month period my business more than doubled. I'm also in the process of settling one of my largest cases and the time spent here as well as with my coins was taking time from my business and family. Coins were becoming a detriment. So I figured I'd give' em a rest for a little while.

But now that things seem to be returning to normal, I figured I could pop back in every now and again and keep abreast of things.

It's nice to see some familiar names and icons as well as all the new members that have joined in the past several months.

Hopefully, no one has taken my place as the torn in David's side as well as the resident pro bono lawyer.

And in the words of the immortal Russ --- "Got any toned Peace $?" image



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