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I have a PopUp stopper, but...

This is off topic, but is there software to stop adds that don't appear in a new window (i.e., ones that scroll out of the page you're in, as opposed to opening a new window)? My PopUp stopper doesn't stop these kinds of advertisements.




  • tjkilliantjkillian Posts: 5,578 ✭✭✭
    I don't quite understand. Can you post a link to a URL that has the offending material? I use popup stopper pro and AdSubtract, and they work just fine for my browsing.


  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    You're probably referring to rich media ads. They are not popups, but incredible pains in the rear. Only a program that specifically says it blocks rich media ads can prevent them. Right now I'm not sure of any on the market.
  • So, "rich media ads" are what they're called... I went back to some sites where I've seen them, and they didn't show up. I'm not sure why... maybe because I've closed them recently, I don't know. At any rate, advertisers are brilliant for figuring out a way around PopUp stoppers!

  • I use popup stopper by panicware. It stops all popups. It is useful in heavy popup areas. Not useful for just cruising the web. It stops 2nd page browser startups, Popups of magnified pictures, the works. It works almost too good. It doesn,t stop those new crappy comercials that just walk across your screen while you surf. If anyone knows how to stop these, let me know!! image
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    There are ways to stop the rich media ads, but it's not effective against all of them. Here's the technique. And if you have to ask questions about what this means, you probably shouldn't do it. image

    Open your hosts file, add an entry for each full domain that serves the media adds and redirect it to in the proper format.
  • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
    adshield will do both.


  • dbldie55dbldie55 Posts: 7,736 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I use a browser that has a setting to stop popups. Doesn't support the rich media junk, so I don't see that either. My text browser doesn't have any of these problems either, but most sites have poor HTML, so they do not work right (this one included).
    Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
  • Well, What is it? Will you share it with us? image

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