Was a Mistake Made ?

True situation that happened two days ago. I went up to just shoot the breeze with a dealer I trust and really like. Before going I knew he had no coins, Merc Dimes, that i needed. While talking he commented that he knew I did not like Morgan or Peace dollars. Then he went to his stash and flipped this 1935S peace Dollar at me and said take a look. This coin was the cleanest dollar I have ever seen period. Not a mark anywhere. Then I looked at the grade on the slab. MS65 it said. Honestly the coin is better and both of us agreed to this. Anyway the dealer said the coin is yours for $1000. I looked at him and said I have no idea what it is worth. He fired right back it is at $950 ask. Also this was a one time offer.
Now here is the question. Did I really goof up by not taking this pristine coin ? I'm not asking this because of the upgrade potential but because the coin was just plain nice. My other thought is that maybe he will never offer another coin like this because of my refusal of the dollar. Another thought is that good relations with dealers are hard to establish. Did I sour this relationship somewhat in your opinion ? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I think the Dealer is trying to broaden my collecting desires as the last two times he has brought up a series that I do not collect. Does this make any sense to anyone else or has it also happened to you ?
Thanks Much.
Now here is the question. Did I really goof up by not taking this pristine coin ? I'm not asking this because of the upgrade potential but because the coin was just plain nice. My other thought is that maybe he will never offer another coin like this because of my refusal of the dollar. Another thought is that good relations with dealers are hard to establish. Did I sour this relationship somewhat in your opinion ? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I think the Dealer is trying to broaden my collecting desires as the last two times he has brought up a series that I do not collect. Does this make any sense to anyone else or has it also happened to you ?
Thanks Much.
Since it already lost 5% in value in a matter of seconds, it might be worthless by the time you got it home.
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since 8/1/6
If the coin was really so nice, then certainly he could've found a dealer to whom to wholesale the coin to at ask. A '34S is a key date, and there are many dealers looking for upgrade or PQ specimens of that date!
Could simply be the Dealer, in a fit of casual behavior, offered Ken a beautiful coin- close to the next grade- at a great price.
That's what I got out of Ken's story.
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
Many dealers that 'rip' a really nice piece at a show will sometimes offer it to a good client at a small markup rather than playing the upgrade game, as cash flow is also important to many dealers.
This was just a situation that has not happened to me at any other time. I have know the dealer for over 20 years and have been a customer of his for this period.
my local dealer, i guy i like and trust, will call me when he gets something in that is in my areas of collecting. he'll tell me when i visit what he has new or he'll show me if i ask. it's not all touchy-feely-help-me-out stuff, he's in business to turn over stock and make a living. so from that position, he's showing me stuff he thinks i'll buy and maybe not showing me stuff that he'll be letting another of his better customers see first. it's all part of the business from my lofty perch.
there have been times such as you described where my dealer will say something such as "this is a super coin" and he'll show me a winner that i pass on. more than a few times i've asked him a day or a week later about the coin and it'll be gone. his standard answer is usually something along the lines of i told you so...........
i don't think you spoiled any working relationship with this guy. he may hesitate showing you stuff, he may have been trying to move stock, it may be water off a ducks back. assuming your story to be accurate, you were cordial and courteous, you just didn't buy the coin. my hunch is that you're just a good guy who doesn't want to louse up what it took time to build. please keep us informed about your next visit and his tempermant.
al h.
P.S. If you really didn't want the coin, you didn't make a mistake. A blazing proof Seated Half would do little for me, to others, it would be Nirvana.
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
I changed my mind, your dealer sounds like a great guy and you should go back and buy the coin before he gets pissed off at you & bans you from his shop. Apoligize profusely and get down on your knees so he will know you are sincere for offending him for turning down his generous offer.
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
HJowever, if you believe you have the knowlege (or superior knowledge, and KNOW it is a good deal then good for it; cause then you are not really gambling, or at least the odds are in your favor- just don't gamble more than you can afford to lose.
Honestly, if it were me I'd be upset he put our business relationship on the spot by knowing it would be hard to say no. I'd probably tell him to take a flying #$$#@. But hey that's just me.
I also believe that you should stay away from thousand dollar coins if this not a series you know well and don't collect. Just maybe this is not a situation that has a right or wrong answer. At least he didn't tell you that you could have it at a silent auction plus 5%. I would let this situation go, but keep it in the back of my mind.
Both of those dealers, knowing that I will make an appearance at least once each week, put aside a lot of the coins they feel I might have an interest in buying. Even though I probably only end up buying only a very low percentage of those coins they put aside, they continue to put them aside. This is what a good dealer to customer relationship is all about....Ken
Also the new May 9, 03 CDN shows a decrease to 825.00bid/925.00 ask with - indicator?
So if you bought it to sell , you already stand a chance of losing an additional 30.00?