POLL: Large cents, Indian Head cents or Lincolns-which one do you prefer?

Which one do you like better? Large cents, Indian Head cents or Lincoln cents? And I would like you to tell me why you prefer the one you picked.

I also prefer RED copper
Now, if you throw in the FE, I'd have to say the FE is my favorite. You folks probably already know how I feel about eagles on coins...
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
I remember some of those extraordinary pictures posted recently on early Lincolns in super-grades, super-red from a private collection. If they all looked like that...
This one isn't as brown as I'd like, but the price was right.
as they are really good values right now
especially so very much so!!!! for the proofs in red brown and brown if they have the right look to them and many times scarcer than the lincolns
and also good looking visually appealling
sincerely michael
I have a couple of draped bust large cents. They are among my favorite coins.
My first tassa slap 3/3/04
My shiny cents