Nickel Hijack One signature away from Law

All that is left is for the Prez to sign the law and the Nickel has been officiallty hijacked. 
On a side note I sent a email to George Allen one of the Virginia Senators that sponsered this hijacking that I was against mandating that Jefferson and Monticello will return after 3 years. Part of reply:
<< <i> I have sponsored legislation to commorate the Lewis and Clark expedition on the nickel. Rest assured, however, the image of Monticello will be returned after 3 years. >>
This jerk did not even read my letter. If he did he would not have answered with the above.

On a side note I sent a email to George Allen one of the Virginia Senators that sponsered this hijacking that I was against mandating that Jefferson and Monticello will return after 3 years. Part of reply:
<< <i> I have sponsored legislation to commorate the Lewis and Clark expedition on the nickel. Rest assured, however, the image of Monticello will be returned after 3 years. >>
This jerk did not even read my letter. If he did he would not have answered with the above.


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at all. An image of Monticello will return after 3 years. The current rev
(1938-present) of the Jefferson nickel will probably never return in the
exact way it is now. In the last Teletrade auction, some of the PCGS
MS66 nickels went for strong prices.
Steve maybe this law can be changed in time to get something else on the nickel in 2006.
Please correct me if I am wrong but you are one of the elected parties responsible for "hi-jacking" the nickel design.
I have read NUMEROUS letters and discussions about this topic and have yet to see just ONE in support of this. I have not seen anyone from Virginia speaking out for it either.
I found/find the entire subject and process to be a ridiculous waste of taxpayer's money to pay for the egos of a few Virginians. It would be equally ridiculous for an Ohio senator to sponsor legislation mandating that "our" state quarter design become and remain THE quarter.
Believe me I have nothing against Jefferson. In fact one of the best trips I ever took was to Monticello. I do have a problem with a miniscule amount of people deciding something so silly and wasting our time and money to do it.
It is time for a facelift to ALL circulating coinage and a TOTAL redesign of the dollar coin. Copy the size, color, design of the Canadian Loon and do away with the 1.00 bill and save us all some money! Hopefully someone will open their eyes and realize the obvious. I also hope that someone sponsors some sort of legislation to give the UNITED STATES NICKEL back to The United States.
process with the nickel because of this law, but there is still nothing to prevent an
overhaul. The three year design change will be great for the nickel, collectors, and
ironically the Monticello Foundation since it will focus attention not only on the new
coins but to a lesser extent on the older version. The current nickel will be in circu-
lation for many decades if inflation doesn't destroy it's value. Virginia would actually
get more attention as time past if a new nickel were introduced.
This isn't so much a case of the glass being half empty or half full as it is a case of the
glass being overflowing. Virginia alone can not stand in the way of redesign and they
are likely to eventually become a supporter. In the meantime we gain another oppor-
tunity to interest a lot more people in collecting.
I recently sent you a letter explainging how and why I am AGAINST Jefferson and Monticello returning to the nickel after 2006. You did reply, however, I do not believe you even read my letter.
If you did you would not have replied with: "I have sponsored legislation to commorate the Lewis and Clark expedition on the nickel. Rest assured, however, the image of Monticello will be returned after 3 years."
I have not seen any public support for your hijacking of the nickel anywhere. Everybody I have talked to have said they are sick of dead presidents on circulating coinage and wish the U.S. would go back to alligorical images of Liberty.
Believe me I am going to do everything in my power to get your nickel hijack law ammended so we can have the 2007 nickel redesigned without a dead president and Monticello on it.