I know what Rainbowroosie is saying and I kind of agree...but I actually think there is some chance this baby is OK. I may be totally out to lunch on this...and it's very hard to tell from a scan, but something about this one seems Ok to me...David
<< <i>I know what Rainbowroosie is saying and I kind of agree...but I actually think there is some chance this baby is OK. I may be totally out to lunch on this...and it's very hard to tell from a scan, but something about this one seems Ok to me...David >>
I know it certainly looks like at, but I think I agree with rainbowrosie and hrh...it just looks different than the typical at job with those colors. The way it sits and the pattern looks kinda okay...cool looking coin, too bad about the fingerprint...I just got my finger print from PCGS on a coin that was going in my collection (a super cool pink Roosevelt proof dime) and I was so bummed, but then again, you are buying it with it already finger printed, so at least you know you are getting the bonus fp.
mo <><
"Repent, for the kindom of heaven is at hand." ** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! ** Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.
I can't envision ANY scenario where this coin could have Naturally toned that much in that short of time. I have coins that I have had in my possesion for over 25 years now in all sorts of folders, flips, envelopes, YOU NAME IT and all I have are a few (very few) coins toned with the Natural brown/yellow patina associated with silver tarnish.
Well, it looks like a lot more than the sand is "cooking" down there in Phoenix, AZ.
Thanks rd5425 for the help. Though I couldn't make your 2nd link work.
Russ' seller lists his auction location as THE DESERT. Rd5425's seller lists his auction location as PHX, AZ.
Russ' seller lists his address in the payment instructions as: John Vassallo, 4232 W. Indian School, Phoenix, AZ 85019 and finishes his auction description with GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS.
Rd5425's seller finishes his auction description with GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS.
Russ' seller is selling a 2000 proof half
Rd5425's seller is selling the dime and penny from a 2000 proof set.
I emailed the seller of the penny and dime auction and he didn't even know what artificial toning was, but after I explained it to him he told me that he bought them after they were already cracked out but he is pretty sure they are real.
<< <i>I can't envision ANY scenario where this coin could have Naturally toned that much in that short of time. I have coins that I have had in my possesion for over 25 years now in all sorts of folders, flips, envelopes, YOU NAME IT and all I have are a few (very few) coins toned with the Natural brown/yellow patina associated with silver tarnish.
AT? I'd bet $$ on it. >>
hold on to your wallet while i shed a little light here. modern clad proofs can be put in those pink paper coin mini envelopes and in about 2 to 4 mos *poof* rainbow and sporty toning of all kinds. looks pretty much how those 2 kennedy halves were done. i think southpark supplies/texas still carries them. bust up a cheapie 83 or 84 proof set and try it. jeffersons and lincs especially can turn quite impressive. also, you can dip 70's to current clad proofs in jewel luster rinse, set on a piece of paper left out in open air and about every 2 days blow the dust off,flip coin,repeat 2 or 3 weeks *poof* non-chemical multicolor toning and..........slabbable ! place in poloybags then place in submission flips. the trouble is 3-5 yrs later EVEN in the slab the coin is totally hazed to a nice, even, very dark, luster totally eaten up piece o doo doo...sometimes it last just long enough to get em in the slab and sold to all the suc...er uh...i mean customers who buy the slab and not the coin on all these moderns. HELLO PEOPLE?? most all these ultra modern worth nothing megazoid toned proof and bu silver eags,ike dollars,etc that folks are paying ridiculous sums for were "made" in this fashion. believe me. dip a 2002 bu silver eag and place in one,you'll see. we have a long time cameo customer who was buying a load of teletrade pcgs and ngc cameo 50's nickels, 20k or so worth back in the early/mid 90's. they are ALL smut dogs now. folks dip em, slab em and move em quickly without neautralizing them,which is the most critical aspect of nickel curation. know your source, proper curation is EVERYTHING short and long term for cameos and proofs. ******** also the pink velopes also work wonders on franklins out of bu rolls or 59-63 mint sets. dip em first to remove any natural haze that would inhibit the colors from the velope from embedding into the luster but rinse very quickly,like just a second or 2 leaving some slight dip residue,then pat dry with cotton towel and again *poof* KILLER slabbable toning in a very short time. some of the most beautiful pcgs and ngc franks i've ever seen were "made" this way as well. ******** plus, many of those "they all look alike" multicolor toning morgan and peace dollars you see all over ebay are slider au's or base bu's that have been dipped,not rinsed but patted dry and set out in the open air. *poof* multicolor coins in just a few short weeks that everyone thinks are chemically "done". all the schemers need is a cheap tub of e-z-est and a steady stream of $12-15 slider morgans $8 slider peace $ and your in biz. i've seen some turn quite awesome looking. and seen these idiots gobble em up ******** God given toning takes decades and it's real easy to spot the real deal from the "made" ones. if you really know what you're looking for ******** the electric blues,reds look on silver bu coins comes from an ezest dip no rinse aluminum foil bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees ******** these id..er uh i mean suc...er uh i mean customers are buying this junk up by the loads too. ******** oh...another...those periphery rainbow dollars and questionable arc toned ones comes from placing smaller denom coins offset or strategically centered or 2 or 3 quarters or dimes placed just so on a silver dollar for that 2 or 3-way rainbow arc pattern (however you prefer) and having an old windex bottle set on "mist" or "spray" with e-z-est, let air dry. leave out in open air room for a few weeks for one effect or bake for different desired results. yes, some of these coins will slab out too.
Nice info Doops. This kinda stuff is exactly why I have stayed away from the toning craze....
Cecil Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!! 'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
Shhh!! Don't tell Russ, but i'm going to buy this and send it to him for his first anniversary on the forum, April 18th. While it seems like he's been here forever, it was only 8,900 posts ago. Let's just keep this a secret. (however, if the coin goes for stupid money (>$15.00) all bets are off. I like Russ, but I'm not crazy.
The Philadelphia Mint: making coins since 1792. We make money by making money. Now in our 225th year thanks to no competition.
So how does one artificically tone a coin? And how does tone best "naturally" develop on a coin?
I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
Out of 27 toned Morgan dollars in NGC and PCGS holders I have bought on EBAY in the last two months I am 100 percent sure that five of the NGC coins and two of the PCGS coins are AT. It's getting out of hand when the two major services are that bad off. Think about it. It's going to blow sky high one of these days. I hope the market will take care of this problem. Now, back to the Kennedy. Any one who buys year 2000 minted coin with that kind of toning deserves to be took to the cleaners. Nuff said.
In an insane society, a sane person will appear to be insane.
Thanks for the plug DCAMFranklin! Here are the photos for Dragon. Lets do it this way. One is real the other two are fakes. We have two PCGS coins, an 86 and an 83. We have one NGC, an 85-0. I will admit it is easier to see the difference when you have a bunch of coins to look at in person as opposed to photos but we can all have fun trying I guess. I dont have the time to show them all right now.
In an insane society, a sane person will appear to be insane.
Looking at the 3 Morgans I'd say the 86 on the top is not original bag toned because the crescent is the same size as a 50¢ piece. The middle rev toned one is plain non-lovely and dull enough to be original. The bottom one is the one I'd say was AT but it could have got that way from the color band moving outward from the coin laying on top and the edge was near the bag and made abother color band move inward.
Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.
As for coin #1, the crescent need not be in the shape/size of a dollar coin to be mint bag toned. It all depends on how close another coin was sitting next to it to determine the shape of the crescent. I saw quite a few dollars come right out of mint bags from the Continental Bank Hoard that had all different shape/size crescents on them, from horseshoe shape to perfect outlines of other coins in the bag.
As for coin #3, that piece is also 100% original IMO, and is a very common toning pattern with the typical colors (especially for an 85-O) also from a mint bag. I also don't think there are any coin docs that can reproduce those exact colors in that tight pattern.
It's been my experience that trying to determine exactly how a coin toned within a mint bag is near impossible sometimes, as many of them toned in some really unusual and bizarre patterns that seem to defy explanation.
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
'72 JFK
<< <i>...but I actually think there is some chance this baby is OK. >>
Okay, I'm buying this sucker and submitting it! You guys are my witnesses!!!!!!!!
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>I know what Rainbowroosie is saying and I kind of agree...but I actually think there is some chance this baby is OK. I may be totally out to lunch on this...and it's very hard to tell from a scan, but something about this one seems Ok to me...David >>
April fools....right?
mo <><
** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! **
Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.
(951) 757-0334
<< <i>I may be totally out to lunch on this >>
I think so.
Im also gonna purchase these and submit them, its hard for me to belive coins would have toning like this after only 3 years.
AT? I'd bet $$ on it.
--------T O M---------
Thanks rd5425 for the help. Though I couldn't make your 2nd link work.
Russ' seller lists his auction location as THE DESERT. Rd5425's seller lists his auction location as PHX, AZ.
Russ' seller lists his address in the payment instructions as: John Vassallo, 4232 W. Indian School, Phoenix, AZ 85019 and finishes his auction description with GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS.
Rd5425's seller finishes his auction description with GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS.
Russ' seller is selling a 2000 proof half
Rd5425's seller is selling the dime and penny from a 2000 proof set.
<< <i>I can't envision ANY scenario where this coin could have Naturally toned that much in that short of time. I have coins that I have had in my possesion for over 25 years now in all sorts of folders, flips, envelopes, YOU NAME IT and all I have are a few (very few) coins toned with the Natural brown/yellow patina associated with silver tarnish.
AT? I'd bet $$ on it. >>
hold on to your wallet while i shed a little light here.
modern clad proofs can be put in those pink paper coin mini envelopes and in about 2 to 4 mos *poof* rainbow and sporty toning of all kinds. looks pretty much how those 2 kennedy halves were done. i think southpark supplies/texas still carries them. bust up a cheapie 83 or 84 proof set and try it. jeffersons and lincs especially can turn quite impressive. also, you can dip 70's to current clad proofs in jewel luster rinse, set on a piece of paper left out in open air and about every 2 days blow the dust off,flip coin,repeat 2 or 3 weeks *poof* non-chemical multicolor toning and..........slabbable ! place in poloybags then place in submission flips. the trouble is 3-5 yrs later EVEN in the slab the coin is totally hazed to a nice, even, very dark, luster totally eaten up piece o doo doo...sometimes it last just long enough to get em in the slab and sold to all the suc...er uh...i mean customers who buy the slab and not the coin on all these moderns. HELLO PEOPLE?? most all these ultra modern worth nothing megazoid toned proof and bu silver eags,ike dollars,etc that folks are paying ridiculous sums for were "made" in this fashion. believe me. dip a 2002 bu silver eag and place in one,you'll see. we have a long time cameo customer who was buying a load of teletrade pcgs and ngc cameo 50's nickels, 20k or so worth back in the early/mid 90's. they are ALL smut dogs now. folks dip em, slab em and move em quickly without neautralizing them,which is the most critical aspect of nickel curation. know your source, proper curation is EVERYTHING short and long term for cameos and proofs.
also the pink velopes also work wonders on franklins out of bu rolls or 59-63 mint sets. dip em first to remove any natural haze that would inhibit the colors from the velope from embedding into the luster but rinse very quickly,like just a second or 2 leaving some slight dip residue,then pat dry with cotton towel and again *poof* KILLER slabbable toning in a very short time. some of the most beautiful pcgs and ngc franks i've ever seen were "made" this way as well.
plus, many of those "they all look alike" multicolor toning morgan and peace dollars you see all over ebay are slider au's or base bu's that have been dipped,not rinsed but patted dry and set out in the open air. *poof* multicolor coins in just a few short weeks that everyone thinks are chemically "done". all the schemers need is a cheap tub of e-z-est and a steady stream of $12-15 slider morgans $8 slider peace $ and your in biz. i've seen some turn quite awesome looking. and seen these idiots gobble em up
God given toning takes decades and it's real easy to spot the real deal from the "made" ones.
if you really know what you're looking for
the electric blues,reds look on silver bu coins comes from an ezest dip no rinse aluminum foil bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees
these id..er uh i mean suc...er uh i mean customers are buying this junk up by the loads too.
oh...another...those periphery rainbow dollars and questionable arc toned ones comes from placing smaller denom coins offset or strategically centered or 2 or 3 quarters or dimes placed just so on a silver dollar for that 2 or 3-way rainbow arc pattern (however you prefer) and having an old windex bottle set on "mist" or "spray" with e-z-est, let air dry. leave out in open air room for a few weeks for one effect or bake for different desired results. yes, some of these coins will slab out too.
Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
I would avoid this one.
<< <i>he told me that he bought them after they were already cracked out but he is pretty sure they are real. >>
Both aswimmer and easyman168 barfed up similar BS when contacted about their coins.
Russ, NCNE
I doubt it, post pics of the PCGS/NGC ones you think are AT'd please.
<< <i>A real Coin Doctor is among us. Did you all read all that stuff? >>
dchump, shut your punk trap already. nobody is interested in your bitter ramblings
I don't care for the color on the 83-P (reverse toned) piece.
All 3 of those coins are fine and genuine mint bag toned.
My 1866 Philly Mint Set
The middle rev toned one is plain non-lovely and dull enough to be original.
The bottom one is the one I'd say was AT but it could have got that way from the color band moving outward from the coin laying on top and the edge was near the bag and made abother color band move inward.
As for coin #1, the crescent need not be in the shape/size of a dollar coin to be mint bag toned. It all depends on how close another coin was sitting next to it to determine the shape of the crescent. I saw quite a few dollars come right out of mint bags from the Continental Bank Hoard that had all different shape/size crescents on them, from horseshoe shape to perfect outlines of other coins in the bag.
As for coin #3, that piece is also 100% original IMO, and is a very common toning pattern with the typical colors (especially for an 85-O) also from a mint bag. I also don't think there are any coin docs that can reproduce those exact colors in that tight pattern.
It's been my experience that trying to determine exactly how a coin toned within a mint bag is near impossible sometimes, as many of them toned in some really unusual and bizarre patterns that seem to defy explanation.
Pretty profitable stuff, that cookie baking!