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Kudos and Thanks to ANACONDA and Jim Halperin at Heritage

I just wanted to state here publicly that ANACONDA is a great guy in my opinion, and so is Mr. Jim Halperin from Heritage.

My casual coin collecting girlfriend had sort of an unpleasant 'situation' ongoing with Heritage Rare Coins for quite some time. Without going into all the boring details, it was sort of a misunderstanding over an invoice that was long since paid in full, and mistakenly not recorded as such by Heritage. In any case, I recently PM'd ANACONDA on behalf of Karla to ask him a couple of legal questions, and since he said he is friendly with both myself and Jim Halperin at Heritage, he offered to step in and speak with Mr. Halperin personally for Karla to clear this misunderstanding up.......and to mine and Karlas great surprise and delight, he offered his services to her -AT NO CHARGE- as an act of friendship!

Well, in very short order, ANACONDA took care of everything for her in a very professional manner, and Mr. Halperin at Heritage graciously offered to make Karla a member in good standing once again.

I would like to sincerely thank both of these professional individuals for taking the time to clear up a nagging issue for someone close to me, and especially to ANACONDA for his extremely generous offer of his services.......he's a great guy!!



  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    That was in fact ,a wonderful thing for Anaconda to do and is an example

    of what Adrian Crane is really like. A good guy and a very nice guy.

    I hereby award the Anaconda , Bears coveted"GROWL OF APPROVAL AWARD" for

    volunteering an act of professional kindness. Bear

    There once was a place called
  • TypetoneTypetone Posts: 1,621 ✭✭
    Without going into details, I also had a recent conflict with Heritage over an auction issue. I must report that Greg Rohan, Heritage's President, personally researched the problem and came up with a very satisfactory resolution. Heritage is a big company, but I believe they are willing to provide great service to all of their customers. Good job.

  • gsaguygsaguy Posts: 2,425

    Important question: Is it the girlfriend that's casual or the coin collecting part?image

    Good work Anaconda!


    P.S. Please forward your address to Adrian as he's got a bill for legal services of $2,000 waiting for you.image
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,216 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The jury's still out.
    I think I like Adrian more when we all thought he was arrogant and a blow hard.


  • WWWWWW Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭
    Watch out Adrian, they may be getting wise to you. image
  • BladeBlade Posts: 1,744
    Same deal for me. After all sorts of billing problems, Heritage charged my credit card too much. They got most of it fixed (slowly) but not all. I finally exchanged a few e-mails with Steve Ivy (partner & founder with Halperin) and he took time to follow-up.

    While I am somewhat troubled about billing problems (not my first), I appreciate that upper management stepped in to take care of it. And you know what really surprised me? I expected to be forwarded to a customer service manager, which would have been fine. Instead, Steve took ownership of the issue and made sure I was taken care of. All companies should strive to operate this way.


    NOTE: No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

    Type collector since 1981
    Current focus 1855 date type set
  • No question Adrian is one of the good guys. From time to time a little hard to reach by email.......but since he pointed me to this site i now see why! It's easy to get into the threads and "lose" several hours!

    Also no question Adrian is a "giving" individual.(his coins "give" me headaches all the time because i can't afford most of them!). Many hours are devoted by him monthly in writing his often lengthy but well thought out posts. Were we able to "send" Adrian in to NGC for an opinion as to his grade as a dealer, poster, and love of the hobby.......no question there'd be a Star* on his resume! (sorry, PCGS doesn't offer the Star*, and might even "bodybag" him for Artificial Toning as it's well know most lawyers hit the tanning beds on a regular basis........though in Texas it could be argued the "toning" comes naturally ).

    BTW......why do they equate an unslabable coin with a "body bag"? Do not most dead people end up "on" a slab. Do not some previously "body bagged" coins end up "in" a slab? (y'all "knows" it happens sometimes!). Where am i going with this? Who knows...............i certainly don't! hehe Hmmmmm, maybe they can return "body bagged" coins on TOP of an empty slab with the post mortum on the label. And we can later break open the slab and send in the insert label to keep the pop reports accurate.....

    Anyway, Adrian gives some of the most generous terms of just about any seller of top coins on ebay......and i've been able to aquire the vast majority of my current collection thru his help and patience. Sometimes there's a slight misunderstanding in our payment arrangement, ........perhaps? He thought i was going to pay him "weekly" on my coins.......and i do pay him weekly......"VERY WEAKLY"! LOL

    Truth be told, over the last 2 years i've purchased maybe 15 or so coins from Adrian........and have 4 more in the works currently. If and when he begins what i think is a more than fair, (though slightly more generous than usual), sales incentive of offering every 10th purchase "free" (like some supermarkets do with milk, say), i know what i'd like! That Proof 67 Monster Toned Early Bust Quarter is calling to me..............

    Joe T.

    PS......in reading this over it seems a bit like an Adrian "roast" of sorts. Too tired to rewrite it now. So Adrian.........thanks again my friend!
    The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

    Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!


  • << <i>Mr. Halperin at Heritage graciously offered to make Karla a member in good standing once again. >>

    the real question is to whether or not the evil empire is in both karla's and your good standing once again. it is disappointing to see such an otherwise fine business fall absolutely flat when it comes to customer service issues.
  • MadMonkMadMonk Posts: 3,743
    Man, Can you feel the LOVE?
    Always nice to hear an uplifting story.image
    Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
  • Great to hear. There are many good Coin Companies and here is a good example of it. I tip my hat to all involved.

    Todd Abbey
  • Hey Adrian...I have a whole bunch of legal work that I need completed any chance of getting it done "Pro-Bono"?

    (Kidding of course)

    Good work!

    I appreciate everyone on this forum and what they have done to help me better understand this hobby. Sometimes heated disagreements overshadow that aspect of the forum. Adrian is at a level, in this hobby, that I can only hope to achieve. It's refreshing to see that he shares his expertise in coins and his profession with others when they need help. Kudos!

  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭
    A Big Be Bop A Lula to the snake!
    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
    Props to Adrian. I guess that is what these boards are really about.image
  • dragondragon Posts: 4,548 ✭✭

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