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Kennedy-Cameo/Deep Cameo Folders?

Ok - I am sure this is an easy question for someone on this board image

I am starting to collect Cameo and Deep Cameo Kennedy Half Dollars. I need to order a folder that will hold the PCGS Slabs...

This is the site that I am ordering from

Eagle Folders

Now for the question(s)

They have a selection of six folders -

EGL-CCA2401 Kennedy Half Proof Only Issues 1964-2000S
EGL-CCA2501 Kennedy Half Regular Issue 1964P-1989P
EGL-CCA2502 Kennedy Half Regular Issue 1990P-2012P
EGL-CCA2601 Kennedy Half Regular Issue and Proof 1964-1981S Proof
EGL-CCA2602 Kennedy Half Regular Issue and Proof 1981S Type II-1995D
EGL-CCA2603 Kennedy Half Regular Issue and Proof 1995S-2006D

Now - if I am JUST collecting the Cameo and Deep Cameo half dollars...which folder would I need? The proof only 1964-2000S folder?

Are the only Cameo/Deep Cameo Kennedy Half Dollars in PROOF form (out of proof sets)?

Ok hope the question is clear enough image

Thanks ahead of time for your responses.

Happy Collecting!
I love coins...image


  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    First, yes, cameo and deep cameo are usually only proof coins. However, there is an exception and that would be the 1965 to 1967 SMS coins. Since there were no proof sets minted during those years, many include those in a proof collection. I don't know if those binders they're offering include these.

    The one you'd want for proofs, though, would be:

    EGL-CCA2401 Kennedy Half Proof Only Issues 1964-2000S

    If your goal is to put together a complete set of PCGS slabbed proof Kennedys, you might want to buy unlabeled binders and pages. The reason is that the coin is still current and two (clad and silver) are being added each year. Right now, two Eagle binders with three pages each covers the series 1964 through 2002 (53 coins, including the SMS pieces) with one extra space.

    Russ, NCNE

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