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Shaq makes himself look silly again.

Firs toff, I'm a SHaq fan, but he's got to top making these personal attacks on other teams and players. His latest quote about Mike Bibby really had no truth and made little sense. I'm surprised Phil Jackson doesn't tell him to just shut it for awhile because its hurting the way people view them. I've never agreeded with the "as long as you win you can be as big an @$$ as you want" policy. Shaq not wanting to be on the Olympic team becuase some player he deems to be inferrior to him is on the roster is a joke, he doesn't deserve to represent our nation.

Shaq's quote about Bibby being named to Team U.S.A.: "How did Mike Bibby get on the team?'' Shaq wondered aloud. "Any Cub Scout with Boy Scouts can do Boy Scoutish things. When (Bibby) was in the Cub Scouts, he was a Cub Scout. When he was with Vancouver, nobody heard about (him). Now that he's with Sacramento ... he's on the team. I ain't going."

Nice grammer.


  • old news, quit crying

    hey kidatheart why is kevin garnett even going up to block kobe? now thats a moron HAHA
  • PistolPetePistolPete Posts: 352 ✭✭
    Crying? I'm glad he's not playing in the games. Its pretty sad that he was even considered to represent the U.S. in the olympics with his attitude malfunctions.
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>Crying? I'm glad he's not playing in the games. Its pretty sad that he was even considered to represent the U.S. in the olympics with his attitude malfunctions. >>

    LOL, you call this an attitude malfunction? At least he doesn't beat his wife like Jason Kidd, or hasn't been in jail like Iverson and Webber.. THOSE my furry little friend are attitude malfunctions
  • Shaq needs to bite his lip sometimes, especially after the Ming incident..nobody raved about the "cub scout "mcgrady when he on toronto image
  • PistolPetePistolPete Posts: 352 ✭✭
    I never said they belonged on the team, but to attack a person who obviously is not some bench player makes him look like an idiot. Kidd isn't up there bashing fellow NBA players and making ridiculous statements about their proven playing skills now is he? His little boycott of the games becuase Bibby is playing is his excuse for not playing. Shaq's problems are his ego and his bad attitude, something Jason Kidd doesn't have. His wife incident was a terrible mistake, one that he has corrected and publicly apologized for, Shaq should consider doing the same. I used to really like and respect him, but he's not giving the fans much reason to like him that much anymore.
  • I like Shaq, but the dude is a dumbass... period

    Anyone that argues that is simply in denial

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>I never said they belonged on the team, but to attack a person who obviously is not some bench player makes him look like an idiot. Kidd isn't up there bashing fellow NBA players and making ridiculous statements about their proven playing skills now is he? His little boycott of the games becuase Bibby is playing is his excuse for not playing. Shaq's problems are his ego and his bad attitude, something Jason Kidd doesn't have. His wife incident was a terrible mistake, one that he has corrected and publicly apologized for, Shaq should consider doing the same. I used to really like and respect him, but he's not giving the fans much reason to like him that much anymore. >>

    ohhh.. the big cruel man said something bad about li'll Mike Bibby.. awww..
    djeezes man what the hell is worse? Beating your wife, going to jail or making some jokes? Because in case you didn't know.. he's ONLY JOKING
  • PistolPetePistolPete Posts: 352 ✭✭
    He makes personal attacks on players time and time again. Kidd f ed up big time once, but he's not doing it over and over again. The man is turning into a big whinner.
  • Shaq's almost as big a whiner as Charles Barkley and Reggie Miller. I'd hate to do laundry after a game between them with all those crying towels, LOL. Screw Shaq. I traded him from my fantasy team weeks ago. By the way, I also had Bibby and kept him!!!! If he's such a man, then he needs to conduct himself like one.
    Ref: ahendi, DPsports, Clippers21fan, Shockers21, AI3fan, Clearandvalid(x3), Magic1fan, kr580, Epag64, 23jordan8kobe(2), GodblessUSA, Ruth, Zbarr23(2), Allen, xxchamp34xx,Trfstptch, Speedmaster, Nowitzki, Goodriddance189,ThudtheDud, cbc2002.
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>He makes personal attacks on players time and time again. Kidd f ed up big time once, but he's not doing it over and over again. The man is turning into a big whinner. >>

    lol so? Let him.. he just wants to have some fun.. at least he does it in public..

    so because Kidd apologized, everything is ok again? LOL yea right.. once a wife beater, ALWAYS a wife beater..
  • I think it's all those Whoppers he's pounding down by the minute. They do take a toll on the body.

    Shaq is a great player, one of the most dominating ever but he has a very big mouth and shoots it off every chance he gets. Kobe was almost ready to demand a trade because of that big yapper.

    He's just trash talking Bibby because he hates the Kings. I think Bibby is a great pick for the US team.
  • PistolPetePistolPete Posts: 352 ✭✭
    Too bad Nash is Canadian.
  • LoL what does Kidd and Webber have to do with Shaq being a media fool? i bet if a "real college educated" NBA player called Shaq a "illiterate" doofus we all know who will be posting up..yeah Barkely & Coleman are also top notch media **holes...joking or whatever..it always is taken in content, and its too late to take it back..fans of the NBA, and not just "one" player or team wont forget.
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>LoL what does Kidd and Webber have to do with Shaq being a media fool? >>

    not much.. but when Shaq has an attitude malfunction, what do those guys have? (oh and PLEASE don't forget Iverson & Rasheed Wallace..)
  • Yeah Undertaker is using the useless "diversion method". There are always cases worse than the one at hand. So by your method Saddam Hussein is an ok guy, since what that Adolf Hitler guy did was much worse....

    Bringing up what other players did in the past is completely irrelavent, it just allows you to conveniently dodge the issue at hand

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>Yeah Undertaker is using the useless "diversion method". There are always cases worse than the one at hand. So by your method Saddam Hussein is an ok guy, since what that Adolf Hitler guy did was much worse....

    yup, by the way, you bringing Adolf Hitler & Saddam Hussein to this discussion is pretty 'useless' as well..
  • Hey there's the diversion tactic again.... man you're good at this, you should be in politics, especially since you think you're so much smarter than George Bush.

    Arrogant and good at dodging the issue... you're made for politics image

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    image (not using any tactics here image)
  • LoL!..i bet if the Lakers had to cancel games or wear protective suits due to potential terrorist attacks our docile "euro" friends would be crying for muslim blood image
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>LoL!..i bet if the Lakers had to cancel games or wear protective suits due to potential terrorist attacks our docile "euro" friends would be crying for muslim blood image >>

    rofl, that sure was a VERY clever remark there epag.. damn LOL
  • Shaq's just another idiot nimrod in an NBA uniform.His fat mouth is simply another example of why the NBA sucks !
    Thank goodness for college basketball ! MARCH MADNESS IS HERE !
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    References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.

  • << <i>Shaq's just another idiot nimrod in an NBA uniform.His fat mouth is simply another example of why the NBA sucks !
    Thank goodness for college basketball ! MARCH MADNESS IS HERE ! >>

    coming from an NHL FAN?!?!?! The sport where several teams are going bankrupt, and it is very boring, no excitement....OH AND HE SCOOOOORES, THEY WIN 2-1....NBA is the most exciting game in the world...Guys that are massive at 7'0" jumping 4 feet off the ground, thats crazy!
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • Not only are there current players who have done things ten times more stupid than Shaq, a lot of the retired ones aren't much better; there's Charles Barkley and his threatened forays into the political realm and then, oh wait, there's Jayson Williams... *hiccup**BLAM* (oops! Off goes that gun, right into his head, oh my image )
    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • here we go the ole "2 step" (a dance in USA) who mentioned that jayson williams or barkely were sitting out because of a "ego" issue? shaq is the topic here people, not kidd, barkely,iverson, or justin timberlake..just type "shaq comments" in any search engine..he'll be retired before u read em all!

    "During an interview when Shaq was asked if he will play for Team USA in the 2004 Olympic Games, he responded ‘if Phil coaches, I’ll play’. When the reporter told Shaq that 76ers coach Larry Brown was the leading candidate to coach team USA, Shaq responded by punching his pillow, and screaming in a womanish fashion. ‘It’s not fair; it’s supposed to be Phil, Phil!!!!’ The reporter became shocked when the 9-time NBA All-Star reached for his bedside photo of Phil Jackson, and began to cry while staring at it. The former MVP was still crying and screaming incoherently as the reporter was leaving, O’Neal was heard to say ‘I want Phil to be my coach! The Olympics are just prejudiced against Phil because he’s tall! I’ll never ever play for USA as long as I live!’

    sHaQs sKool of fO0Ls
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    hey epag, I suggest you check out this site.. http://www.dubyaspeak.com/
  • youcha! wait..someone is knockin on my door..hmm 3 guys in black suits w/ shades image

    intresting site though undertaker image
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    VERY interesting if you ask me.. of course ppl will jump @ my throat again for showing this image
    but hey.. I can live with that image
  • ranchranch Posts: 341

    << <i>coming from an NHL FAN?!?!?! The sport where several teams are going bankrupt, and it is very boring, no excitement....OH AND HE SCOOOOORES, THEY WIN 2-1....NBA is the most exciting game in the world...Guys that are massive at 7'0" jumping 4 feet off the ground, thats crazy! >>

    NBA better than the NHL? Are you kidding me? Basketball is the most DUMBEST sport out there! You can lose to any team in the matter of seconds in the 4th quarter, every 5 seconds there is some stupid pointless foul called out. The whole game is just retarded and doesn't make sense! Watching 7 foot monsters jumping 1 inch off the floor level is not very exciting to watch. NHL is a fast, challenging and exciting game. How often do people score compared to boring basketball? People fight, even the goalies! There is bloodshed, serious injuries! One hell of a rough game!

    Undertaker, for once in your life could you please keep your tongue inside of your mouth and STOP licking the Lakers' asses all the time?
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    ahh I see Vincecarder's zitfacefriend ranch is here.. now ranch, we know you like hockey because it's basically just a bunch of guys BANGING (image) eachother.. but that doesn't give you the right of dissing bkb like that.. I suggest you watch a game now and then.. you'll notice that it isn't 'a bunch of 7 foot monsters jumping 1 inch off the floor level'..

    by the way, have we ever talked to each other? I didn't think so either..
  • Exciting, fast paced? If you like NHL, then you should also love soccer

    I bet you are Canadian too....Your reason for liking hockey so...

    There are like 4 Canadian players in the NBA...rICK fOX, nASH (WAS BORN IN aFRICA ANYWAY), Jamaal Magloire, and I dont even know who else...It is pathetic how little Basketball talent comes out of that country, I can see why you wouldnt like it!

    Ever watch a game on TV and see NBA fans going crazy? Then you see Hockey, it is basically sit there and watch and the leave....

    Let's face it...NBA, NFL, and MLB all are better than NHL

    Most of you people who hate basketball so are the ones who just cant play, but thats how it is everywhere...If somebody sucks at something they think it is stupid!
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • 'Taker, no offense bro, but you're like every other European i've heard. You love the wonderful, rosey notion of peace, and react on that rather than actually considering the situation. It's not your country Saddam will be aiming his nukes at when he has them ready, so you don't really care, and bash the most informed man on earth for being "stupid" and putting an end to Saddams reign before he is capable of mass destruction. Give me a break dude....

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • HA HA HA, Ranch said that basketball is the "most dumbest" sport out there!!!! Alright smartie, learn to speak before typing next time, and avoid having the "most dumbest" person on CU tag nailed on you
    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>'Taker, no offense bro, but you're like every other European i've heard. You love the wonderful, rosey notion of peace, and react on that rather than actually considering the situation. It's not your country Saddam will be aiming his nukes at when he has them ready, so you don't really care, and bash the most informed man on earth for being "stupid" and putting an end to Saddams reign before he is capable of mass destruction. Give me a break dude....

    Erik >>


    exactly HOW MANY Europeans have you heard? 1 (me), 2? maybe 3?
    We are NOT against the end of the reign of Saddam, nor are we against the disarming of Iraq, but for God's sake don't you realise that Bush doesn't CARE about your safety, your families, etc? The only thing he wants is the oil for his beloved oil industry (which helped him become president in the first place)

    Oh and Bush isn't the 'most informed man on the earth'.. he REALLY isn't.. otherwise he woul have killed Saddam with the first bom he threw on Iraq, but he didn't because he THOUGHT that Saddam was in that building, clearly he wasn't..

    I'm really tired of discussing these facts on a freakin' Card board.. let's just 'trade' here and stick to sports related items..
  • yeah basketball is the dumbest sport, thats why every single park in the world has a basketball court and not a baseball field

    thats why most fitness gyms have BASKETBALL COURTS

    face it, basketball is something alot of people can do solo, baseball is not something you can just go out and do at a park for free everyday

    p.s shaq is right, bibby does not deserve his spot over allen iverson PERIOD. ANYONE WHO ARGUES THAT IS IN DENIAL


    hey kidatheart why is kevin garnett even going up to block kobe? now thats a moron HAHA
  • 'Taker-- i agree this is not the place, so i'll just say that my best friend has spent the last 7 months in The Netherlands and is always telling me that everyone there hates Bush and are "peace-freaks who despite overwhelming contrary evidence- believe the US should not invade Iraq and take out Saddam simply because it will disrupt the peace"

    and no way does hockey compete with basketball in excitement, besides the occasional fight, hockey is one rung above watching my grandma knit a sweater on the excitement ladder

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>hockey is one rung above watching my grandma knit a sweater on the excitement ladder >>

    rofl, good one image
  • Thank you sir..... (takes a bow)

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • I 2-step because my points are valid, epag... don't tell me you're trying to turn CU into a No-Spin Zone (which, as Bill O'Reilly's show displays vividly, will likely turn into a Lots-of-Spin Zone imageimage )
    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • OK

    I'll settle this

    Synchronized Swimming is the dumbest "sport"

    As for the personal insults back and forth. Let's keep it down guys and move on.

    Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com

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