Uh oh. The drive is always spinning, unless in sleep mode or power off, at 5400 or 7200 RPM. If you hear grinding, your drive may be on it's way out, with the heads grinding on the platters. Back everything up NOW and get yourself a new HD.
Are you sure it's the hard drive? On the computer I'm using right now every so often the A drive (which is empty) turns on and grinds and clicks for awhile and then turns back off. I never get any messages or error warnings though.
Could be its going bad. Could be its working due to spyware. Fox News tonight had an urgent article on a Critical Security Flaw found in ALL versions of Windows after 95. Go here to update your windows.
My old windows 98 used to do that but since I got my new computer with XP, it has not done it. Watch out Cam its wanting you to let the dogs out. WHO LET THE DOGS OUT, WOOF WOOF WOOF
I get a fwip-fwip-fwip helicopter sound sometimes. It's definitely not the A drive. That has a distinctive brrrrrrrrap! sound when there's no floppy in it.
Not now My replacement drive is currently in the shop trying to get my old 30GB of files from my now dead drive... good thing I installed Windows a while back on my old drive
Lordmarcovan, Is that what that thing is that comes out of the front of my computer? A cup holder I thought it was the place to put the coaster to set the cup on! Imagine that
Yeah- but they made the daggum hole in it too small, unless you use a sissy cup, or one of those li'l paper cones like they have next to water coolers...
What I'd like to figger out is why my dang Gateway is so slow. It takes the words I type 10-15 seconds to appear on the screen! Somebody suggested I had spyware, and now I run AdAware frequently to clean it out, but anytime I type or click a flash button, there's this godawful lag. It's gotten so bad I don't even use it to surf anymore- I only log onto the Internet from work. It's drivin' me mad. I tried defrag, scandisk, AdAware, and so on, to no avail.
Lordmarcovan, You simply need to clean out all your internet trash! Another way to speed up the system is to turn off things you dont need on Startup, typing in msconfig in Run! How much free space do you have?
You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!
Usually file swapping. When your system moves data from RAM to the swap space on the hard drive. Windows XP SUCKS big time with this process. I have 256Megs on my XP box and am going to add another gig to make it work. Why would anyone with windows 2000 upgrade? (I did because of the multimedia aspects, but only on one of my many machines. Businesses have no reason to) Microsoft finally released a decent product (win2k) and no one will move from it. Now they are trying to force them to do it. I really hate that company.
Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
I was having a problem a while back like this with the "file index" thing in XP. For some reason it was ALWAYS using 100% of a 2.0 GHZ P4 and 512 DDR SDRAM. With the suggestion of people here, I tried to turn it off normally, but it kept going! It took a registry hack to shut it off. . .
Less likely is the chance that it is miniature space aliens who have taken up residence.
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
Go to right side of page and click second selection down.
Really man all fun aside I have no Idea.
Maybe it's the cup holder...