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War & PCGS in one thread!

Not to be flippant (sp?) I do wholeheartily support our troops in Iraq and the mission they are to complete and I hope our losses as well as their civilian losses are kept to a minimum, but with that said,

Which do you think will be quicker ---

(A) The time it takes the US Military to overthrow Sadam


(B) The time it takes PCGS to grade a 10 coin minimum submission sent the same day the war begins.

But wouldn't it be strange if our military can overthrow a government faster then PCGS can grade 10 coins?



  • I got a grand on the the troops! Any takers?

    "The last thing we want to see is a smoking gun. A gun smokes after it's been fired…. If someone waits for a smoking gun, it's certain we will have waited too long."
  • clw54clw54 Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭
    No, I'd probably lose a grand that could be spent on coins.
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    It is not particularly humerous to equate the deadly serious bussiness of war, with the

    frivolous hobby of coin collecting. I have never known anyone to be killed or maimed by

    receiving a bad grade. On the eve of war, this is not an appropriate thread.image
    There once was a place called
  • FrattLawFrattLaw Posts: 3,290 ✭✭
    Bear -- relax, again I posted the fact that I was not being humorous and I do support our military. Perhaps my post was a commentary on the efficency of our fighting men and women.

    My father's folded flag and dog tags sit in my office as a daily reminder of his service in the Korean Conflict and Germany and I have a War Bond Poster 7th illustrating the raising of the US flag @ Iwo Jima, were my grandfather's brother fought and was wounded. I am well aware of the serious business of war and the impact it has.

  • Frattlaw,

    My choice (as I am enjoying a jelly donut, I hear they are becoming extinct) is A.
    My eBay Items

    I love Ike dollars and all other dollar series !!!

    I also love Major Circulation Strike Type Sets, clad Washingtons ('65 to '98) and key date coins !!!!!

    If ignorance is bliss, shouldn't we have more happy people ??
  • bad thread in bad taste
    when judgement day comes..
  • orevilleoreville Posts: 12,077 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hmmm, sure PCGS might take longer but they don't buy $600 toilets.

    Keep that in mind.

    If PCGS had our military's budget they could grade all of their coins in less than a day and all for free and still have a humongous profit left over.

    Not a good comparative.
    A Collectors Universe poster since 1997!
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Bad thread in bad taste? Puhleeeese.. this is a joke. While some try to make it sound like Irag is going to be another Vietnam, it isn't and it will be over quickly. Some of you need to lighten up and if you think the thread is in bad taste, don't respond to it.
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Oh, by the way, my answer is (A). image
  • RegistryCoinRegistryCoin Posts: 5,117 ✭✭✭✭
  • The answer is (A) and oreville, I will gladly pay for $600 toilet seats (although those figures thrown around are a bit of "urban legend" and are a result of spreading costs over projects in a way that only governement accountants can justify). And I will gladly pay for the $300 hammers because they are protecting our freedom and will ultimately ensure that my 11 year old daughter will not grow up in fear.


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!

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