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A self imposed ban starts today, noon.

My disclaimer, I am a huge fan of PCGS and of this forum. If I did not care I would not be writing this.





The above all mean the same thing to me: a filtered controled refined product which may not be the truth.

I guess I am one of those Mr. Hall says who don't "get it". Granted, it is the PCGS venue and he is the top guy. What he says goes and I have no intention of usurping that authority. Not my style.

However, the new policy will remove the "edge" the forum has, what gives it life and makes it interesting. As one other forum member calls it, "provocative". Less participation [from those banned or afriad to be banned] means less information.

I am an adult and can make my our judgements about trollers and those who "bag" on PCGS. What I find assuming is the ones who slammed PCGS the most were still contributing to the forum and making garding submissions! Maybe they were just chronic complainers?

If you are looking to ban something how about banning those dealers who join the "Collector's" Universe to promote their inventory without adding any significant contribution to the forum? Are they really "collectors"? To head off any confusion, Coinguy1 / Legend / Anaconda are the exceptions who do add significantly to the forum.

I am banning myself [as a participant and eventually a reader] because to stay and contribute and be censored would only be frustrating. On a go forward basis how do we know what has been sanitized for our consumption?

Before we could question what someone was posting and make judgements, now we can only wonder why some are not commenting on important issues. Could it be the messenger and his message has been silenced? This will create only more innuendo and suspicion.

Sayonara Time for me and a great big thanks [especially Coinguy1 and Anaconda] to all who have helped me learn so much from this great hobby.



  • NumisEdNumisEd Posts: 1,336
    May I have your icon?

    Edited for proper grammar ("may I" insted of "can I")
  • TheNumishTheNumish Posts: 1,628 ✭✭
    I'm one of those guys who lists coins on the buy/sell/trade and have had only good experiences with members. They get coins at great prices and I get more than if I sold the coins wholesale. Everyone has been happy. Why the resentment? That's what the buy/sell is there for. To buy and sell.

    We really don't know what kind of censorship is going to occur. They yanked a few people to get our attention and it certainly worked. If they are going to edit messages when trolls go out of control that's ok with me. If they are going to edit for language that's ok. If they edit messages just because they aren't in line with PCGS's world view I'm out of here. I'm going to wait and see and hope for the best.
  • ttt

    Howdy from Houston...

    Can't keep my eyes
    from the circling skies
    Tongue tied and twisted
    Just an earthbound misfit,

    ">my registry set

  • ttt
  • wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭✭
    I am officially , as of this moment ,self imposed.

  • I concur. I'm going to pull all of my coins out of the Canadian Registry also, just as soon as I get a hold of the person that has it registered... image
  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,443 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In the final analysis, it may not matter what I think but I am going to write it here anyway. While I tend to agree that that censorship is not a desirable alternative, a self imposed ban may not send the right message. If your post is censored, then a self imposed ban may be a reasonable thing to do and at that point it will send a message that is worthy of a response.

    The bottom line is if you treat fellow boardmembers with respect and your posts are topical and not offensive there should be no problems. Look back at the agreement that we all agreed to before becoming boardmembers... it really is not much different. Its just that now the agreement is being enforced to the fullest extent possible. You should consider lifting the self imposed ban and participate in a meaningful way that will help the forum over the long term. The self impose ban is a clever card to play, however, play your hand at the right time...its still too early and it may not even be necessary. Lets give this a chance... its better than having the whole thing closed isn't it? Just some thoughts from the cheap seats.

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

  • prooflikeprooflike Posts: 3,879 ✭✭
    I wonder if messages regarding ACG will get censored??

  • I agree and I am going to do the same thing this place is just not fun anymore and David Hell... er... Hall has wreched a great place to learn by banning a couple of the great contributers. Well see you guys over at the NGC boards.
  • I deleted all my sets last week and am thinking of not ever submitting to PCGS again, the whole thing(grading times, new designations for, as Greg Margulies would put it, re$ubmi$$ion$, the censorship, and overall decline of the boards here) has made me not think of PCGS in as high a regard as it once did, shame on you, you guys(PCGS) went too far this time.
  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,443 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In some ways, perhaps, we are all missing something here. If the censorship that boardmembers feared was enacted, would the last few posts on this thread ever see the light of day? Probably not... The bottom line is use common sense and it still can be the forum we want it to be and the forum it shoul be.

    Keep in mind, I have made comments that I thought were critical but constructive for PCGS. Specifically, I have been a supporter of a designation for original surfaces for type coins, including gold, that truly are original. I am not trying to kick a dead horse here, but after various threads and posts, I even asked HRH about in the Q&A Forum recently and he is of the opinion that the market does not want it. I still disagree with him but I still respect his opinion. Am I going to get censored and kicked off? I doubt it.

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

  • CLASSICSCLASSICS Posts: 1,164 ✭✭
    since i have been here..i have heard some pretty rude remarks from diffrent people...name calling, bashing, trolling, knocking the other guy for what he collects...... degrading pcgs , david hall, the graders, rude remarks about the company, and thier stocks, and on and on..........someone even said they would bring bail money to the next show, as they were inplying they were ...going to get so and so................ngc comes on here and in so many words trys to make a fool out of david hall........i have a question for you.............what did you expect?..........iam suprised it went on for as long as it did......but i do beleive this...do you think for one minute...ngc...or any other coin forum will let this go on..? i dont think so........ if you disagree fine, nothing wrong with that....all one has to do is show some respect for the other guy , something that seems to be lacking here.......
  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    Classics, never let a good argument get in the way of the facts. NGC didn't come in here, someone posted a letter written in their forum, which did not mention Hall or PCGS. Did it ever dawn on you that maybe the backlash to Mr Hall is from the old adage "attitudes beget attitudes"?

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