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Tracy Mcgrady get's his own TV show!!!

Well not exactly...he use to be on a show when he was younger. Can you guys guess which show?


  • yo why isnt this cat banned for posting off topic stuff? and hes dissing tmac, just mad cuz tmac makes more in 1 game than he will in 5 years...
    stupid hater...
    i mean we dont make fun of you cuz u have glasses and sit online all day u geek
  • please dont disrepect nas like that....
  • This is card related. You know how much Urkel's cards are going to go up now that everyone know's the truth.

    Stop hating....and stick to using your own user name! What's this like your 5th one because you have got the boot so many times.....
  • LMAO... Id rather be tmac, than Vince Carter!
    Stupid Guy playing with way better talent than orlando, and hes not even in the playoff Picture!
    he sucks! thats why....
    and your names retarded, i bet you dont even own that card as your icon, hahah
  • ahhhh, the CU soap opera continues image
  • I'd rather be VC because he doesn't have a crooked eye and a pumpkin head. Sure Tmac plays better ball but Carter is making just as much money.

    Oh and the card in the icon is actually my card and I do have quite a few of them.....also have alot of Mcgrady's...

    Pretty odd a guy with that few post picking a fight right off the bat. What's your real user name....come on...you can tell us....oh and your RED X is a much better icon than mine!!!

  • << <i>Well not exactly...he use to be on a show when he was younger. Can you guys guess which show? >>

    HAHAHAH VinceCarder that PIcture is soooo funny....did u make it? lol
  • Yea I made it. It's just jokes...didn't know some of Mcgrady's relatives were on here and started crying about it.....

    Everyone is just Jealous because I got a Tmac/Erkel pocket protector and they don't!!!!
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    hehehe Urkel is SO funny image
    nice job image
  • Shhhh Erkel doesn't like being called that.....he like to be called Stephan....
  • your stupid, your just a jealous Hater who is mad they got the wrong end of the freaking stick on that deal.
    Tmac=Top 3 player in the game...
    I can see why your mad...
    and i know theres a red x, not my fault i picked some icon on here that doesnt work, blah...
  • hey vincecarder, did you forget about that picture you said you could do for me with MJ and the Magic?? Let me know, Thanks..

    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
  • What's wrong w/Steve? Least steve was straight.
    LET"S GO CUBS!!!
    Cards & References:
    Jasons Players
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭

    << <i>yo why isnt this cat banned for posting off topic stuff? >>

    in ur sig:

    << <i>I Roc Hoes >>

    you're lucky as well image
  • but itrs my sig, its not an actual post cluttering up the board

  • << <i>your stupid, your just a jealous Hater who is mad they got the wrong end of the freaking stick on that deal. >>

    That's the type of stuff that will get the boot....not sports related pics in a sig...and a pic of Mcgrady is sports related I might add.
  • Funny Pic.lmao btw carter is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • vincecarder sent pm about sp authentic rc of carter lmk asap

  • Carter is 10 times better than McGrady, if Vince was healthy he would continue to have better numbers than T-Mac, that is a funny pic but this is totally off topic for this forum, but funny, lol

    and for NAS who said at least they are in a playoff pic, try having a team miss 300 and some man games before the all-star break and see where they finish, at least we are gettin a great draft pick

    Then next year Vince and the Raps will win the Eastern Conference

    btw how many times has T-Mac lead in All-Star voting?? the fans tell the story

    They would rather watch an injured Carter play
    then a healthy T-Mac

    #1 Rick Nash Collector

  • OMG.. that pic is tooooooo funny

  • << <i>Carter is 10 times better than McGrady, if Vince was healthy he would continue to have better numbers than T-Mac, that is a funny pic but this is totally off topic for this forum, but funny, lol

    and for NAS who said at least they are in a playoff pic, try having a team miss 300 and some man games before the all-star break and see where they finish, at least we are gettin a great draft pick

    Then next year Vince and the Raps will win the Eastern Conference

    btw how many times has T-Mac lead in All-Star voting?? the fans tell the story

    They would rather watch an injured Carter play
    then a healthy T-Mac >>

    words of a true idiot...10 times better than tmac? true vince fan, prolly from canada...magic had injury problems also, grant hill almost every game for 3 years? mike miller missed half the time the past 3 years, and nobody else is worth a sh!t...carter may be the best dunker of all time, but playing wise he is just a level under tmac..
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • and for the record did anybody see what vince looked like in high school or junior high? he was the TRUE urkel....he had thick glasses and everything, your true nerd...not to mention in the band, lmao
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • Well I don't agree with the other Vince fan......Carter is definatly not better than Mcgrady. Injuries have slowed him down big time.

    But I must say, Mcgrady seems to have half a pee for a brain...maybe that's why he didn't have the marks to get into a collage. At least VC got his diploma even though it may have cost the Raptors the series against Philly (had to fly to graduation blah...)

    Mcgradys small brain must be in the shape of a basketball though cause that's all he can basically do. As for marking him, I mean, who wants to look at a lazy eye pumpkin head. Doesn't have the look of a champ like Jordan and Kobe. At least Carter is a pretty mama's boy who can be put on posters....either way, enjoy Mcgrady's early exit from the playoffs because Orlando is going nowhere. Raptors future is looking bright because they are getting a nice lotto pick which I hope is the #1. Then they can be like the spurs when they got Duncan.....a good team that got killed by injuries (a record amount I might add) and rebound next season with their new rookie and maybe a signing or two..
  • LMAO...
    Canadiens have nothing better to do than sit online and vote and fill out ballots for his injured Pathetic self.
    lol@magic going nowhere...
    we have 2 promising good rookies, and what makes you think That Whoever you get in this years draft (LEbron? HAHhah u wish)
    will be better than gooden and giricek?
    You are clueless...
    so kobe has a pee brain to??? he didnt go to college? KG? Jermaine Oneal? i can keep going, darius miles??
    Are you saying they are all stupid cause they didnt get into the University of North Carolina or any other college????
    WOW That shows tmacs really dumb huh???
    as for marketing? Seems pretty weak to say when His Shoe is one of the highest Selling shoes...
    And He has his own Clothing Line...Hey where can i find a VC15 Shirt eh???? OH wow i dont mean the ones they make at the crap canada center...
    I mean actual liscensed Stuff....
    He must be pretty marketable... he's considered top 3 in the game, oh yeah, and when did VC ever come close to averaging 31 pts a game and leading scrubs to the playoffs? oh yeah, the scrubs went there without him! hahhahahah
  • Alright Nas.....you definatly are another alias...Just by your rambling you sound familiar.

    I don't have to get into crap with you...I think my pic has done it's job ticking off some Tmac fans. As for my reference for Mcgrady having a small brain...have you heard this guy talk? He is a pretty dumb guy but does know basketball and that's it. Just by the way he handles himself off the court and in interviews. Kobe and Garnett actually had good marks coming out of school and could probably have gone to college.

    But enough with you Nas....this isn't the way to build up a nice rep on here for your new user name and Nas will probably be gone by his 100's post but I'll still be around....
  • so will i image
  • hey Nas, before you speak of other countries.. perhaps you should look at yourself. Just another uneducated soul on the board
  • knicks644knicks644 Posts: 3,420 ✭✭✭
    lol looks like somone is mad that vc stinks and tmac left his team.

  • << <i>Carter is 10 times better than McGrady, if Vince was healthy he would continue to have better numbers than T-Mac, that is a funny pic but this is totally off topic for this forum, but funny, lol

    << <i>

    thats not true at all.....

    trade refs on CU: Udwashington,cardjunkie3, chipperedredwolf,rbarra, big shane,dmiles89

    Lookin for garnett,tmac,and especially Olajuwon gu/auto or rcs. will trade up to 1.5 book for olajuwon SOMETIMES

  • << <i>lol looks like somone is mad that vc stinks and tmac left his team. >>

    couldn't have said it better myself...
    Tmac is turning into a candidate for mvp every year, and vc is turning into broken promises, i havent heard, is ivince planning vengeance for next season to??? LOL

  • << <i>lol looks like somone is mad that vc stinks and tmac left his team. >>

    lol the knicks, the knicks lmao. the only good player u have is spreewell(i know his nephew) and soon he will be gone!!!!!! and what are u left with?
  • knicks644knicks644 Posts: 3,420 ✭✭✭
    why you changing the subject?????????i like carter and still do but you dont have to make fun of tmac because he left your team.

    and good i am happy the knicks suk i want lebron i hope they suck more
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