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Update on FRANKLIN Prices

Last week I posted the item below. Tonite a sale of about 15 MS64FBL's expired and I've added the results to my spreadsheet, with the numbers updated as shown below. The results showed that prices for MS64FBL's are holding steady at about 1/2 of those listed on the CU Price Guide. If anyone would like to get a copy of the spreadsheet, send me a PM or email me at FrankChiong@msn.com.

Every so often I gather information from Ebay on the price of Franklins vs. the CU price to determine what the actual price of Franklins is doing at the MS64 and MS65 levels.

Last September I chose a batch of 24 MS64 and MS64FBL coins that went on sale at the same time, along with a batch of 19 MS65 and MS65FBL's. In the sale that ended last night (a week ago, and today the MS64's went off), there was a batch of 23 MS64 and MS64FBL coins, and 27 MS65 and MS65FBL coins. Now granted, the mix of coins, dates, and mints is always going to be a factor, but here is what I've come up with so far.

In the September 2002 sale:

MS64/64FBL Frankies averaged 53.7% of the CU price.
MS65/65FBL Frankies averaged 37.33% of the CU price.

In the March 2003 sale:

MS64/64FBL Frankies averaged 49.57% of CU price.
MS65/65FBL Frankies averaged 51.99% of CU price.

I'd say that the prices remained pretty constant. However, in the MS65/65FBL, there were enough coins to make a decent sampling, and the price jump seemed pretty significant.

Some MS65 coins were close, and in one case, surpassed CU prices. I found this interesting because I've been saying all along that MS65 Franklins are pretty undervalued, and I guess people are starting to figure that out.

I can't upload the spreadsheet where I'm keeping this information, but if you have any questions please post them - and if you'd like a copy of the spreadsheet send me an email. It's kinda interesting for us Franklin Freaks



  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    Did the CU prices change during those 5 months? or are all differences related to eBay final sales differences?
  • FC57CoinsFC57Coins Posts: 9,140
    Sinin - prices on the CU haven't changed in the past 6 months. All these are sales of entire, or close to entire sets at the same time on ebay.

  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Frank, Your pretty smart for a little dog ,smoking a big cigar.image
    There once was a place called
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    superlative!!!!!!!!!! one of the better real truthful posts on here

    great inforamtion to help others knoew the real market and help them make better more informed decsisons

    well hopefully!

    sincerely michael
  • MadMonkMadMonk Posts: 3,743
    Way to go Frank!
    Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.

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