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Melville Coin Show

I packed the kid and the wife in the car this morning and we went to the Coin Show in Meville. While this was considered a "Small Show", I was surprised by how many people were there. I was under the impression that there would be less people there but I was surprised by the turn out.

I set out with a plan, to check out all the tables, find out where all the dealers have their shops and finally make one more round in which I buy a coin or two, especially since I went with a low..low budget.

A few things I noticed:
1- Customer taking coins out of a roll ended up dropping the coins on the table... I cringed.
1A- Customers should really handle the coins with care and handle them properly.
2- It was hard to get through with customers on one side sitting and customers on the other side leaning over the table with their butts extending out.
3- It's true, the whole family takes all the chairs!!!
4- I'm paying for my coin and some guy cut in front of me to take a look at a coin. I'm polite, so I moved over a bit but still... it took 10 seconds to finish the transaction, he could have waited.
5- If another customer wanted to look at coins and I was in the process of looking at one, I shifted over so the other customer could take a look.

I picked up some Jefferson's and Lincoln Wheaties and then I came across a Peace Dollar that appeared a bit scratched, probably cleaned at one time, toned to hide the cleaning image but the price was right and I picked it up. I'm glad I only went with a fixed amount of money as... seeing all of those beautiful coins.... I was so tempted to find a cash machine and splurge.

After I left, I realized, I never checked with the dealers to see if they had brick and mortar stores... that's one of the reasons I went but....This was my first show, hopefully I will attend more upcoming shows and get to know the dealers more.



  • Hi Dave,

    Please tell me a little bit more about this Melville show. How often is it held? I live in NYC, so I think it is close enough that I could drive there if it is a good show. How many dealers were there?

  • ms71ms71 Posts: 1,525 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You suffered an obvious episode of Bourse Floor Dementia. Primary symptoms include general oblivion and an inability to recognize the passage of time. The only known cure is to divest oneself entirely of any funds carried on the person. This treatment may not be effective if sympathetic friends are to be found on the bourse floor. If spouse or significant other is present, the full course of treatment may not be necessary before this person comes to the sufferer's "aid". No proven preventative treatment has been discovered, excepting geographic separation from the cause (and, sadly, even this may be ineffective when a computer is present in the surroundings).
    Successful BST transactions: EagleEye, Christos, Proofmorgan,
    Coinlearner, Ahrensdad, Nolawyer, RG, coinlieutenant, Yorkshireman, lordmarcovan, Soldi, masscrew, JimTyler, Relaxn, jclovescoins

    Now listen boy, I'm tryin' to teach you sumthin' . . . . that ain't an optical illusion, it only looks like an optical illusion.

    My mind reader refuses to charge me....
  • Sunnywood,
    I had to pull out the sheet I got from the show but it is held twice a month and the next dates are March 9th and March 23 (Every second and forth Sunday of each month 9am-3pm) It is located at 585 Broadhollow Road (Route 110) in Melville.

    The sheet states there are 60 Dealer tables and trying to count all the rows and tables... that is about accurate. image

    Some dealers appear to deal in jewelery, stamps, some dollars (had I known....) some dealers have excellent setups while others seemed a bit skimpy. There was a dealer there that sold the cardboard 2x2's and other supplies.

    After walking around and checking out the different dealers, I walked around again to see if there was anything I missed. One dealer had a box of goodies. All coins around 1900->1964 in 2x2's that were 20% off. Some of which included BU and Proof coinage. Since I'm working on a Jefferson/Lincoln collection, I was able to pick up a few coins that I needed for my collection.

    I'd have to be honest with you, MS71 probably described it the best... I suffered from dementia. I saw so much I liked, so much I might not have liked but wouldn't mind having, For me it was a nice show since it was my first show and if I was asked to recall the show in more detail... as soon as I walked out, I drew a blank... visions of coins danced in my head.

  • MS71,
    Yep... how did you know? When does the 'dementia' where off? My wife actually said to me on the way "Stop at the bank" and I knew if I took any money out, it would have been spent this morning. I probably went with $40 and came home with $10. I practiced safe coinage.

    Ahh... I just remembered something. I came across a table which had Slabs... I believe mostly PCGS. I saw a bunch of great Morgan Dollars but then I came across Peace Dollars. I saw a few of the dates I needed and I was just about to ask the dealer if I could see the coins but since I knew the price tag would probably be more than I had...I made the tough decision to just walk away. That hurt!

    That's about it from the coin show. Anyone else from the board go? Where there any dealers from the board there? Anyone? Anyone?

  • DaveGDaveG Posts: 3,535
    Dakra: In my experience, "bourse floor dementia" wears off the second or third time you go to the same show. It comes back again, but in reduced form, when you go to a larger coin show; if you're used to a 60-80 dealer show, the first time you go to a 150-dealer show you go a little crazy, for example.

    Sunnywood: Please consider crossing the Hudson (you don't need your passport anymore!) and coming to the monthly (first Sunday of the month) 80-100 dealer Parsippany show. Also, the four-times-a-year White Plains show is good, although the next one, in April, is perhaps the weakest of the four.

    Check out the Southern Gold Society

  • GeminiGemini Posts: 3,085
    Dakra I used to freqently go to that show for many years it usually was not heavily attended. I think it was held in a union hall about a mile South of the Expressway. I heard it has moved since. Is it North or South of the Expressway now?
    Thanks Don
    A thing of beauty is a joy for ever
  • ms71ms71 Posts: 1,525 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since you came out with $10 in your pocket, AND since you walked away without asking prices on the dollars, I'd say yours was a mild first case. The usual follow-up symptoms are characterized by attending your next show with a good deal more cash ("just in case"), and becoming more "serious" at several dealers' tables that have a good selection of the stuff you're looking for. If attending without wife/family, that last $10 will likely be a goner.
    Subsequent attendances at the same show can cause symptoms to subside a bit, but the disease is merely dormant, NOT cured. Flare-ups can occur, even at another session of the same show. In my case, I theorize that these episodes are caused by the "flashing" effects of light reflected by the mint luster of gold coins not previously examined. I tend to walk down the aisles with my eyes closed, clutching the cash in my pocket, and chanting; just to see if I can make it through the entire bourse area unscathed. My record is three rows or Bill Jones' table, whichever comes first.
    Needless to say, you must keep working to strengthen your numisimmune system, and trips to shows are the only known method of treatment which may hold hope. Failure to follow this treatment regimen can result in eBayitis or worse. Forewarned is forearmed.
    Successful BST transactions: EagleEye, Christos, Proofmorgan,
    Coinlearner, Ahrensdad, Nolawyer, RG, coinlieutenant, Yorkshireman, lordmarcovan, Soldi, masscrew, JimTyler, Relaxn, jclovescoins

    Now listen boy, I'm tryin' to teach you sumthin' . . . . that ain't an optical illusion, it only looks like an optical illusion.

    My mind reader refuses to charge me....
  • Gemini,
    I was heading north from 109 and it was on the right hand side. I believe the building is used as a bingo hall. if I had to guess, it is approximately 1 mile south of the LIE and a mile north of Melville Road (SUNY Farmingdale)

  • MS61, I had my taxes done on Saturday and I owe the government money. This is the first time ever that I owe the governement money.... It's been one of those years in which my finances have been horrible. I had to be strong especially since I have a deal going with a fellow forum member for a 1923-D Peace Dollar. I mean, it's not the most expensive coin but according to my finances, I need to be very careful about my purchases.

    When I started collecting "full time" back in 1998, I had the money to "invest". Why I didn't go to a few coin shows back then... I don't know. Now I have to do it slowly and wisely. image

    Boy, do I wish I had the money to splurge at this coin show. I would have literally gone nuts. I hope by the time I go to the next show, I won't have to worry about the money... *sigh*


  • Dave and others; There's a show next week at the Massapequa Coin Club on Sat. from 9am - 4pm. But I'll be damned if I can remember where it is...I can't locate the flier.
    If you get the dope on it, pass it along please. I'll be going in from Smithtown.
  • Hey, you Long Islanders....Do any of you deal with Miller's Mint in Patchogue? Twowood

    LINK to my dealer.
  • FaustFaust Posts: 118 ✭✭
    The Massapequa Coin Club show is at the Elks Lodge, 2162 Veterans Blvd, Massapequa.

    I was also at the Melville show today. Just to browse and pick up supplies. I've had some good luck here at prior shows selling coins to dealers. (The prices I got were better than if I sold on Ebay.) Anyway, dealers here seem friendly and helpful even with newbies like myself.


  • ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi Dave...I was one of those Dealers sitting there...hoped you liked my items for sale....(we are the guys with the free candy and beer....thats a inside joke to previous thread) serious I did bring not 1 not 2 but 3 lamps....only problem is that there is no place to plug em in....but the lighting is pretty good anyway .....anyway Melville show is one of the BEST small shows in NY...it had a great turnout today and many of the regular dealers were away ...some still in FL on vacation some out in CA attending Long Beach auctions........Helpful Hint...arrive early because most dealers leave early....its hard on dealers...I get up at 5:30am to do this show and usually leave there 2pm-3pm .....see you next time, we do the show about 1 x each 6-8 weeks.... Jon
    Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com
  • ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭✭✭
    PS: yes it is/was a bingo hall called "Camalot" see you hopefully at Massapequa Coin Show...tables are sold out so dealer wise it should be a great turnout....Jon PPS: George is the show manager he is a nice fellow who takes the time to make the show work.....and kudos to the Massapequa Club (Tony and the gang) for taking the time to promote the show next week and passing out fliers!
    Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com
  • Ahh... now I remember. Hey guys, if you ever go to the show in Melville, there is a dealer named "Scarsdale Coins"... HE IS MEAN! All I was doing was looking at the coins and he yelled at me! So, I was drooling a bit but... image

    Where were you located from the door? Not that I would remember much from the show as I was a bit overwhelmed but perhaps I stopped by to see what you had.

    Do dealers buy from customers? To tell you the truth, I have nothing too interesting that I'm looking to sell (wheats, modern uncirculated, perhaps a proof set and bric-a-brac) but if I could unload some of it for a Peace Dollar Or Jefferson Nickles.... I'd definately make the deal image

    I didn't want to arrive too early but probably got there a little before 10am. I remember last year going to a card show at the Huntinton Hilton and I arrived there around closing time, there was probably about 3 dealers left! I asked about Hobby Boxes but they kept showing me Retail Boxes.

    I'd like to try to make it to the Massapequa show as that is in my backyard as well but I will probably feel just as bad as I did today that I could not throw a lump sum of money at the dealers. Perhaps I will bring a better "Want List" with me next time. I just jotted down a few coins and left for the show. Next time I may bring a notepad listing everything I need.

    I did buy a few BU Jefferson's that turned out I already had but a good deal of mine I got from circulation. It's amazing that a coin I thought was in good shape was put to shame by some of the BU's I picked up image

    ... I could babble all night but my wife wants to curl up on the couch to watch the Simpson's....

  • ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi Dave...you mentioned TNT coins with the 20% discount box,,,,I was right opposite Tom's Booth....2nd row, near bathrooms....had two tables.....big box of chocolate candy thanks, Jon
    Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com
  • I don't remember a big box of Chocolates but if you were the dealer that had a display to the right hand side in which the Morgan's were located in the middle of the display and the Peace dollars towards the bottom of the display (all slabbed) then I spent a good amount of time looking at them. I was going to ask to take a look at the Peace dollars but knowing I did not have much cash on me, I thought about it and walked away.

    Yes, TNT was the place that had the 20% off box. I actually found a few proofs that I needed. By the way, why do some dealers place a wooden box of Foreign coins by their display? I noticed one dealer had a huge selection, while others had small boxes. It just seemed a bit odd that they would leave them out in the open for people to pick through.


  • ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had lots of slabs and I did have a BIG wooden box with foreign coins to look at....believe it or not with the box closed you would realize its actually a replica pirates chest....I call this the pirates chest of foreign...I leave them out for people to look at trusting that 99% of people are honest....the 1% that takes a coin ....well if they need it that badly let them have it...I did have a lot of slabbed Morgans....not a lot of slabbed piece.....but hey droolings ok...next time say hi! Jon
    Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    When I go to a big show, I usually bring the deed to the house and at least one of the cubs

    to trade ,........................................................................................... in case I see a coin I really want.image
    There once was a place called
  • marcmoishmarcmoish Posts: 6,261 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was thinking making a quick trek to this show - any recent update from anyone in regard to who what and why - , and is it still a nice small show?


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