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Need more Wellbutrin?

Are there any 12 step classes for coin collecting... I think I really need one.

The first step should be something like this " Admitted that we were powerless over buying coins and that we needed to hoard even more"

Lets just have fun with this one...
" I hoard coins, that's what I do, it's my nature"


  • coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭
    My wife has a single step for me....

    She says I have to sell some before I buy more - not because of the funds, but because they take up so much room! A burglar wouldn't know what to think. All the money they would ever need, but it would take a dual axle truck to carry it all off!
    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
    The Lincoln cent store:

    My numismatic art work:
    USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Put me down for a large jar of them there pills.

    Cause when I see a coin I wants, my brains

    and my bank account goes out the window.image
    There once was a place called

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