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Free quarterly submission for Canadian coin

I have been looking for the information on the Free quarterly submission for a Canadian coin and I don't seem to find it. I am a gold member. Can someone please point me in the right direction. Thank You


  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    It's not online, sometimes it's in the e-zine you can find that here.
    We know it's any Canadian coin because Charlie posted it in this form awhile ago.
    Just write “ Free Coin for Quarter” on the submission form.
  • I was curious about that as well, Thank Youimage
    Never doubt that a small group of determned people can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
  • Is there a size limit on the coin you send in to be graded?? I have a Nickle its called the big nickle . its from the sudbury nickel mine in canada. Its 38.53mm wide so i dont know if its going to be to big. Anybody have any idea????

    Im unemployed again after 1.5 years with Kittyhawk they let me go. image

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