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My 1000 post giveaway...

I noticed that others did this, so I figured I would step in. The late nighters are going to benefit from this the most if they are interested in what I have to give away...

Since I have no coins to give away that the general majority would be interested in, I figured I would do the next-best thing. By now I am sure that most here are familiar with my numismatic photography service. The link is for those who may not know about it. Anyhow, as my celebration of reaching 1000 posts, I will offer a one-coin free service to the first three people that post a reply confirming they want the service. Details to be hashed out using e-mail or PM. This service will include all the normal perks - the photo print, the internet ready image, and permanent archiving of the photos for possible future reprints.

Just post a reply.
C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
The Lincoln cent store:

My numismatic art work:
USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.


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