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just started collecting auto's maybe about 2 weeks ago..here are scans of all my auto's so far!

i just started to collect autographs and here's what i have so far. i just started roughly two weeks ago. image


99 00 SP Authentic Sign of the Times Eddie Jones BV = $20 imageimage
02 03 Upper Deck Ovation Signatures Gilbert Arenas BV = $15

Please Note: My autographed rookies aren't shown.


  • niceimage

    Too bad you have the Hughes and not meimage

    imageThat's awesome for only 2 weeks, keep it up!
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • thanks. i'm sure u got nicer. scan some of ur cards from ur personal. image
  • Well sometime next week I will go get my Larry Hughes collection scanned (dont have a scanner here)....And will post itimage

    Well wont scan the commons, just the god onesimage Plus Maybe I will get a few more scanned as wellimage
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • JoeB,

    Speaking of Larry Hughes....the EX #'d/201 and others are on the way. Let me know when you receive. Did you send out the Finest Rip? Thanks.

  • yep, sure did Kenimage

    LMK when you receive as well!

    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
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