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Does anyone think one of these teams can make the playoffs????????????????????????????????

These teams are winning games and have some very good players but does anyone actually give them a chance of making the eight in their conference.
Golden State: I think a possibility, Jamison and J.Rich are awesome players.
Memphis: No.
Denver: Definitely not.
Washington: Very unlikely
New York: When they get a full team they should finish the year very well, I think a chance.
Atlanta: Terry, Abdur-Tahim, G.Rob, if only they had a bench. Possibility.
Toronto: Vince would help.
WANT All of Hakeem "the dream"Olajuwon that I don't have.

I have 44% of ALL Hakeems.


  • Jamison and J.Rich are awesome players.

    Jason Richardson is FAR from an awesome player, in fact he has been sucking big time this year. He wasn't even that great last year, 17 points per game on a horrendous team and a slam dunk title w/o Kobe, Vince or Tmac...big whoop.

    Also, the Knicks have zero chance at the playoffs. ZERO.

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
  • lol, i agree....JRich, all the hype? Expensive cards? LMAO...What a joke, he definately needs to develop a mid-range shot, and be able to shoot much better off the dribble.....He seems to get most points off easy dunks....What a joke, I like Arenas more!!! But the really sorry player on the team is Dunleavy, him being a #3 is as bad as Kent Benson (no relation) and Derrick Coleman at #1...What a true flop, and people actually was talking how Yao would be such a bust, I just laughed at those people!!! But all in all, JRich is far from being a great player, good player yes....Great player, hell no! He could become one but as of now, isnt a pimple on a great players ass...
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  • i think gs will!!!!!!!!!!!!! go gs!!!!!!!!!!! ya!!!!!!!!!!image

    p.s. thats my favorite team!!!!!!!!!
    My New Site
    Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
  • Golden State- I like the team, will get close this year, will make it next year. Antawn Jamison is no doubt their leader, and has been playing like it, Arenas started strong but is slowing down still putting up average numbers (better than most PG), Troy Murphy in a couple years will be compared with Dirk Nowitski Murphy is playing well this year, J Rich will be a star in a couple years putting up decent numbers, Dampier & Foyle are great down low, If only Mike Dunleavy didn't suck.

    Memphis- Once again, I like their team, no way this year, in a 2-3 years probably. Gasol is most under-rated player in NBA, Drew Gooden looks like he can play, Battier sucks, J Will is a good PG, Swift & Wright are pretty good, Person can make 3's & Giricek is on & off

    Denver- The team flat out sucks!!!

    Washington- This year, maybe, Stackhouse, MJ, Kwame, Hughes, Jeffries, Dixon, Russell, & Haywood, isn't a bad 8 to have on your team

    New York- Too many injuries, Too many hot heads, Allen Houston is the team, Kurt Thomas has been a surprise, Spree will be traded

    Atlanta- Like their team! Playoffs this year- YES. Ratliff is a great D-Man, Terry is the most under-rated gaurd or even more under-rated than Gasol, Big Dog is a great asset for Offense, Abdur-Rahim is great, the rest of the team is decent, plus Matt Malony went to the same HS as me and lived across the street from my house image

    Toronto- NO, Carter is hurt to much, Mo Pete, Williams, Lenord can't win game, Antonio Davis is good, but those guys don't make the playoffs
  • Troy Murphy in a couple years will be compared with Dirk Nowitski

    Excuse me, I have to go choke on my own vomit...

    Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
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