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Think im goign back to trading

Yeh, im gonna go back to trading, heres my wantlist

01-02 ud inspiration combo floors
02-03 hoops hot prospects jerseys (ne types)
my site
CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe


  • I am interested in Duncan lacing up/50. I have a TMac ball and a Tmac floor/film.
  • im also interested in any richard jefferson gu lmk if u got ne thing else off of my wantlist
    my site
    CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
  • Rip.
  • rip?????????
    my site
    CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe

  • << <i>rip????????? >>

    rest in peace
  • ah, ok
    my site
    CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
  • I have a couple Iverson GU on my page, link below. I`ll trade them even up for good football gu. NBT
    The only thing you can`t get rid of by losing it, is your temper!!! Heres an idea, if everyone would mind their own business we would all get along better!!!!

  • << <i>rip????????? >>

    << <i>ejones06

    Posts: 1516
    Joined: Oct 2001
    Thursday December 12, 2002 2:05 AM

    watch out for phillyfan guys. he's was booted off TR because of shady trading habits.

    if u guys trade w/ him, make sure he sends first. >>

    Yeah, Rest In Peace...image
  • oo, ive settled my problems with those people
    my site
    CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
  • sound the alarm, alert the press!
  • guys hes a great trader dont hesitate to trade with him ive traded with him 5 times or more...all done good(Cept one which he did fix like he said)
    refs:Allenimage, knicks644, kls23, nismo68, kobecollector, truballer, nodoubt64, abandcards,ahares, jccrum, dmiles89, thematrix31, heelsfan1, joebenson, amfox1, metros69, tmac21, l3ulls4us, 90 more email refs on my site ..28 ebay refs

    bad traders:
    bradely25 aka JBSportscards

  • thanx john, guys i also have just about 50 refs, coming from alot of places, aol, aim, beckett, tr and some msn communities, i will send first if u want me to only if u have traded with someone i have or if ur on TR but other than that we can solve it by refs, thanx and later
    my site
    CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
  • still havent resolved my problem i have asked you 7 times and waited amost 3 months???
    lilsun1 (4), Danotorious, Richcypf32,
    Airjordan22, Duncangal(2), hakeem, woodson24kg, ejones06
    chayne2, MightyMouse(3), Haliguy(3) ALANEADS, cpdhenry (2), mattdogg, Truballer, Nismo68, scoutdawg (2), derek (2)
  • If your resolved all your problem.....where the hell is my card????????

  • Did you check my page? NBT
    The only thing you can`t get rid of by losing it, is your temper!!! Heres an idea, if everyone would mind their own business we would all get along better!!!!
  • I have the following of Iverson

    97-98 TSC One of a Kind #/150 Iverson BV$150
    97-98 Skybox Premium Rock N Fire Iverson BV$20
    97-98 Skybox Z-Force Rave #/399 Iverson BV$100
    98-99 SPx Spectrum #/250 Iverson BV$120
    98-99 Skybox Thunder Lift Off Iverson BV$20
    98-99 UD Hardcourt Home Court Advantage Plus #/500 Iverson BV$60

    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
  • ok kool, ya got ne pics? lmk and thanx
    my site
    CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
  • I can get scans if you want. email me at tag1982@cfl.rr.com with your tradelist or make offers on any of them.

    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
  • Joe...i sent u that francis jersey a long back ago and sincei didnt hear ne thing from u i figured that u had gotten the card, i know for sure i had the correct address, check again, it was a 01-02 ud uc jersey Steve Francis jersey #d to 250, im 110% sure that i sent taht out, if u dont have it email me minime156@cox.net and i can get something out 2 day air mail
    my site
    CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
  • I have a lot of Iverson, need any particular ones? Also get rid of 1 of the pics in your sig. too big= too much c licking and scrolling
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