Have some perspective. Just because you're 10 years old and don't watch golf doesn't mean Iverson, who will be remembered as an average to decent basketball player, more impressive than Woods, the greatest golfer of our time and most likely of all time when he retires.
BigShane and jbugs, I realize you're both too young to appreciate the sport of golf, but someone at the top of the game is electrifying, even more so than your boy Iverson missing his 40th shot of the game, believe it or not.
Well all AI or Kobe does is shoot a ball. Barry Bonds hits a ball. Tiger Woods is the most dominating player in any sport. In basketball. You rely on your teamates. Do you think Allen Iverson, Kobe, or Bonds could play by themselves. Every week it's Tiger vs. what 162 (give or take a few, don't know the number off the top of my head) other players. And he beats them by alot. For instance, the US Open at Pebble Beach he won by 15 shots.
So Shane and all you other people. As easy as it may seem. Pick up a club and go play with Tiger Woods.
These are just little kids, they only understand "electrifying" to mean "quick, dynamic." A well played game of chess is electrifying, and so is a slam dunk contest. Just because you don't enjoy golf doesn't invalidate the sport.
<< <i>Well all AI or Kobe does is shoot a ball. Barry Bonds hits a ball. Tiger Woods is the most dominating player in any sport. In basketball. You rely on your teamates. Do you think Allen Iverson, Kobe, or Bonds could play by themselves. Every week it's Tiger vs. what 162 (give or take a few, don't know the number off the top of my head) other players. And he beats them by alot. For instance, the US Open at Pebble Beach he won by 15 shots.
So Shane and all you other people. As easy as it may seem. Pick up a club and go play with Tiger Woods. >>
LMAO, I know Tiger is great but electrifying isn't the right word, spectacular maybe...And about picking up a club and playing with Tiger, why don't you lace up some sneakers and step on the court with AI, Kobe, or T-Mac!!! You wouldn't get a shot off let alone score, and they would score every possession...I'm sure some of us could beat Tiger at maybe a hole or 2 though, but overall yes we'd get killed
Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base. Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples. Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom
I'm sure some of us could beat Tiger at maybe a hole or 2 though, but overall yes we'd get killed
God...I can actually hear your brains leaking out of your ears with each post you make.
As far as lacing them up with Iverson, well hey I can run around not passing and hit 6 of 50 shots, so I must be as good of a basketball player, right?
u couldnt get up 50 shots without being blocked 45 + times, its not as easy as it looks....and yes I know people who could beat Tiger at probably a couple holes out of 18, but I mean i know they'd get killed overall, all it takes is Tiger double bogey or bogey, and there you go..
Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base. Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples. Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom
Maybe you and Bradley should join forces, since neither of you can get the clue that I a NOT A FORMER MEMBER OF CU! NEW PEOPLE DO OCCASIONALLY COME HERE!
Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
tiger electrifying?? hell no! golf is more boring than baseball. who cares if he's the best? that makes him electrying?
All he does is hits a ball with a club, THAT IS IT!
Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
So Shane and all you other people. As easy as it may seem. Pick up a club and go play with Tiger Woods.
Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
<< <i>All he does is hits a ball with a club, THAT IS IT! >>
lol, if it were only that simple...
<< <i>Well all AI or Kobe does is shoot a ball. Barry Bonds hits a ball. Tiger Woods is the most dominating player in any sport. In basketball. You rely on your teamates. Do you think Allen Iverson, Kobe, or Bonds could play by themselves. Every week it's Tiger vs. what 162 (give or take a few, don't know the number off the top of my head) other players. And he beats them by alot. For instance, the US Open at Pebble Beach he won by 15 shots.
So Shane and all you other people. As easy as it may seem. Pick up a club and go play with Tiger Woods. >>
LMAO, I know Tiger is great but electrifying isn't the right word, spectacular maybe...And about picking up a club and playing with Tiger, why don't you lace up some sneakers and step on the court with AI, Kobe, or T-Mac!!! You wouldn't get a shot off let alone score, and they would score every possession...I'm sure some of us could beat Tiger at maybe a hole or 2 though, but overall yes we'd get killed
Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom
God...I can actually hear your brains leaking out of your ears with each post you make.
As far as lacing them up with Iverson, well hey I can run around not passing and hit 6 of 50 shots, so I must be as good of a basketball player, right?
Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom
Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom
Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!