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ever since napster went down, i still HAVEN'T been able to find a good prog. to d/l mp3's..any recom

i just really want a program that can really search for the song you're looking for. lmk. thanks!


  • go to kazaa.com that is where I download all my songs. It is a good site. It has everything that I have ever looked for. software, movies, songs, pics.
    Looking for all penny hardaway cards that I don't have.


    baljitgill, epag (2), kls23, amfox1, kobecollector (2), bjork73, tmac21, chayne02, ljmaya, quicksilver77, ahares, woodson24kg, co1lector, kbryant1, kr580

    my site
  • I use WinMX (www.winmx.com) d/ls sometimes are a little slower but if you have dsl/cable its no problem and it doesnt have spyware like Kazaa, etc.
    Refrences: Belfan, jry5, oasurfer7 (Everyone starts somewhere)

    Searching for Mike Modano/Dallas Stars, Kevin Weekes, Houston Texans, and Barry Zito

    AIM: Saentia
    Yahoo: highest_fidelity
    ebay id: thechase@softhome.net
  • Kazaalite.com runs Kazaa without the spyware.
  • winmx or bearshare

    stay away from kazaa for music.. that's what id say
    I NEED 01-02 RCs of ZACH RANDOLPH!!

    Ebay ID: mysteryman152

    "Kid, get off me! Go back to school"

    eat this, nikobe
  • what is spyware?
    Looking for all penny hardaway cards that I don't have.


    baljitgill, epag (2), kls23, amfox1, kobecollector (2), bjork73, tmac21, chayne02, ljmaya, quicksilver77, ahares, woodson24kg, co1lector, kbryant1, kr580

    my site
  • winmx is the way to go,not as crowded as Kazaa and no pops or syware at all.Like they said it is a little slower but I think the 'diet' kazza charges a $1 a month fee now if your a new user to kill the spyware.And i've yet to have a song or even sports clips for that matter that I could'nt find on winmx. you can DL the latest version HERE
  • ya KaZaA.com that so awesome
    Karlan Andrews (bondsboy25)

    Wantlist:I need RC'S and GU of Barry Bonds,A-Rod,Tony Gwynn,Willie Mays,Cal Ripken JR,Ozzie Smith,Rickey Henderson, Josh Hamilton,Josh Beckett, or A.J. Burnett
  • thanks for ur replies guys. i'll be sure to try all of the 3 programs you guys mentioned.

    ilya, why stay away from kazaa?

    once again, thanks for ur replies.
  • winmx or bearshare is the way to go! im telling you

    why stay aawy from kazaa for music? well... it doesn't have as many music files as the other 2, and most of the ones it DOES have, is 128kbps. now if you dont have good speakers, or aren't a great music fan, it will be good for you. the fiels are smaller too.. but when i download music, i get at least 192
    I NEED 01-02 RCs of ZACH RANDOLPH!!

    Ebay ID: mysteryman152

    "Kid, get off me! Go back to school"

    eat this, nikobe
  • i use kazaa, i get songs, movies, pictures, basically any kind of media. i havent personally tried any others cause i have been happy with kazaa.
  • nah... mIRC is the way to go for anything other than songs and pictures.. full movies, full software, full games..
    I NEED 01-02 RCs of ZACH RANDOLPH!!

    Ebay ID: mysteryman152

    "Kid, get off me! Go back to school"

    eat this, nikobe
  • ilya..cuz tonight i just went to download.com and wrote down ALL the programs that download mp3. so far, i downloaded about 16 programs and they pretty much all suck! i did find a decent one which can actually search for specific songs but the results are pretty low. like i said, i'll try bearshare, winmx, and kazaa and see which is best for me.

  • www.mididb.com
    LET"S GO CUBS!!!
    Cards & References:
    Jasons Players
  • I used to like Morpheus (essentially the same networks/format as Kazaa) because I could get games and stuff along with whatever music I wanted to find. But then it switched to some sort of open-source format (like BearShare) which I find a major pain to use; then I found WinMX which is almost as good as the original Napster as far as getting music; you can also get other things like video clips and stuff from WinMX but I've never really tried to get anything but music. Also, unless you consistently update to the newest version getting onto the network can be a very slow process, but that's only a minor quibble.

    My vote: WinMX by far, unless you can make sense of that open-source stuff image
    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • jason and kr, tell me more about those 2 progs. don't just give me the name. image

    thanks for ur replies.

  • Kazaa is just like Napster but you can also download pics,movies,games,ect...
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