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Hey Kobe fans

Why was your boy trying so desperately in the 4th quarter to get that last assist last night? Could it be because he wanted that third triple double? Nice to see him playing for stats and not wins. He turned into Chrios Webber last night...when the 4th quarter came, he couldn't pass the ball fast enough.

I can see why Winters called him 'uncoachable' - he was more interested in the triple double than coming back.


  • when your team shoots 23-78 and you still have 9 assists is beyond me.

    What did you want kobe to do? Take shots while he was being tripled teamed and his team off? He was passing to wide open guys and nobody could hit a shot. No point in for kobe to take over when the team is down 10-15-20 points in the 4th quarter.

    Kobe did the exact same thing agaisnt the blazers and took over the 4th, because his team was actually helping, but when your team if off and nobody came to play besides what are you going to do? Take a bunch of shots while being triple teamed? C-mon man if kobe wanted his triple double that badly he would of played the last 2:41 and got it.

    p.s kobe was only shy 2 assists of a triple double by the end of the 3rd quarter and the lakers were only down 7, but they just flat out got destroyed in the 4th.

    you want the kobe talking to stop and you bash a guy for doing what jason kidd all last year?

    your setting yourself up for failure


  • and another thing- didn't you try to bash kobe for shooting too much now you want to bash him for passing to wide open players too much?

    I've never heard of a player being bashed for shooting too much and then be bashed next time for passing too much.

    man oh man now we simply know who is the most talked about player in the nba.


  • I agree, he would have passed it to a towel boy or the cotton candy man if they could have gotten him one more assist. Pitiful and selfish at the least. That's wierd, he was being selfish by giving the ball up, but true.
  • hahahaha kobe is selfish for passing the ball now? He is coming off two back to back triple doubles and you want this guy to be perfect or what?

    Kobe could of had 5 triple doubles already, but his team can't even throw beach balls over a volley ball net right now and espn made the point clear last night.

    never heard of a guy who gets triple doubles being selfish....... man magic johnson is the king of triple doubles and probably considered the most unselfish basketball player EVER.

    bashing kobe for getting triple doubles? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    now thats a first.


  • You'll never change nikobes mind. Kobe could walk out on to the court, pull out a gun and shoot somebody on live TV, and all nikobe would say was, "well, the guy was gonna die someday, I don't know why everybodys mad at Kobe". He is one very dedicated fan.
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • LOL, it's called an "idiot." To him, any criticism of Kobe is tantamont to calling his mother a ho. He can't talk basketball, he just spouts off mindless Kobe love.
  • 2323 I sure am - I've been a fan since day 1 and it won't stop. I'm here regardless if kobe scores 2 points or 56. Can you say that about all these front runners here? This board was pro- vince then turned pro-iverson- then turned pro mcgrady. I've seen plenty of front runners like autobilia switch up from jordan back to iverson over to mcgrady. When there favorite players do bad they run and hide from bashing. Kobe is simply the most talked about player period. People love to bash him when he has a bad game - ( IF YOU CALL 1 ASSIST SHY OF A TRIPLE DOUBLE A BAD GAME) and run and duck when he has good games. It's all good if your going to hate on kobe, but if your going to hate when he has a so-called bad game then give him props when he has good games or don't come at all.

    I suggest some of you idiots stick to 1 player instead of front running like everybody does on this board.

    1. duncangal- I respect her, don't ever talk to her, but I respect her, because she likes her fav player regardless. If someone bashes duncan she will be there to say something. Collects all his cards regardless of who is hot and who is not.

    2. autobilia- Front runner who collects baseball cards and had a mike tyson icon WHO BASHES ONLY KOBE BRYANT AND MAKES POSTS ABOUT HOW HE SNIPED 5 DOLLAR CARDS ON EBAY.

    3. uwftke26- bitter spurs fan who collects wack cards and admits kobe is good, but makes stupid posts like this to get his fans wilded up.

    4. vince carder- don't like the guy,but he has stuck with his main man vince and always talks about how he is going to take over the league. I'm still waiting, but atleast 1 fan believes in vince and it's vince carder. RESPECT

    5. tmac fans? never were here before last year and who else are they going to like? iverson?

    6. what happend to all those iverson fans anyways?

    I'll break some more people down later


  • i was a tmac fan since his rookie year, i actually liked kobe and switched to tmac in 98'
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • Well, I'm a Jordan fan, always have been, always will be. He's my main guy. But I also like other players and other sports too. I like Vince, T-Mac, D-Miles, a bunch of players. Enjoy it all.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • uwftke26 I am no English major ..I don't believe this is a word in the english language ( tantamont ) that you used in your post..If it is I would like to know what it means..............

    You might have meant (tantamount ) but that would not work for you in the sentence.......
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    I am no English major myself but it's meant instead of ment..
  • lol TheGetOfferman is thankful for editation.image
  • i'll have to agree that he was trying hard to get that last assist but can you really blame the guy..all he's ever heard is that he is a selfish player ( which was probally true in the earlier days, even though kobe always said is was to prove coming out of H.S that he had the talent to play in the nba ) i think he feels if he racks up some triple doubles that will shake the selfish tag he has which he feels is untrue..either way i love the all-around game he's been playing of late.. i'd rather see him with 21 pts 12 reb and 10 assists over 35 pts with a couple of reb's and assists

  • << <i>LOL, it's called an "idiot." To him, any criticism of Kobe is tantamont to calling his mother a ho. He can't talk basketball, he just spouts off mindless Kobe love. >>

    tantamount to
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • You might have meant (tantamount ) but that would not work for you in the sentence.......

    My fault on the typo, but tantamount certainly would fit in the context that sentence. Good job knowing how to spell it, too bad you have no clue what it means.
  • As for my collecting 'wack' cards, I don't even collect cards anymore, so that's way out of left field.
  • Wow...Spelling lessons...CU has it all!!

    I opened up a container in my frig tonight...I swear the mold formed a bust of KOBE BRYANT


    think I can get big bucks on Ebay for it??
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