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Everyone in my conteset please look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a bunch of crap. I put up a contest, take my time to look up scores look at everyone's posts to see how many they got right and keep track of everything for a box of premium cards, and I get nothing in return, but yet people still want to screw it up. There is a certain person that is in the contest that edited his post after the games to win. You will find out who it was when I post the winners. This is bull#&^%. This week is voided. No prizes will be sent out this week. If I catch one more person doing this they whole contest will be void. I will copy and paste all posts at 8PM every SAT night now. Anything after that will not be accepted. That is all I have to say about that one.

Bye the way t1mac you are disqualified from the contest.
Looking for all penny hardaway cards that I don't have.


baljitgill, epag (2), kls23, amfox1, kobecollector (2), bjork73, tmac21, chayne02, ljmaya, quicksilver77, ahares, woodson24kg, co1lector, kbryant1, kr580

my site


  • Steve,

    I am sorry to hear that happened.....it is very generous of you to take the time to run the contest and to donate prizes. I wish I would have edited my picks this week:>}.....just kidding.

    On a serious note, I will donate a nice game used card as a prize for next week if you would like.....

  • OMG... are you serious??? What a waste. I post on your contest just to see how good i do compared to other people... i dont want anything out of it.... hell i wont be close...lol.
    I think you are doing a great job!!! keep it up!!! people like you make cu a great place.
  • I was just thinking about that. I was wondering if you were printing stuff up cause I noticed that someone could still edit their picks after the fact. I am actually amazed that some moron tried to do that and get away with it. What a lowlife, this is supposed to be a fun contest and someone tries to go around and screw it up.
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

    The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
  • from now on they will be printed up at SAT at 8pm. Before I was leanient on when they were submitted but now I have to be strict. I will no longer accept anything after 8PM on SAT. I will no longer read the posts and just go by the print out.

    Ken- Thanks man if you want to donate. You don't have to though. I will be giving prizes to first and second for the rest of the season.

    This is supposed to be fun.
    Looking for all penny hardaway cards that I don't have.


    baljitgill, epag (2), kls23, amfox1, kobecollector (2), bjork73, tmac21, chayne02, ljmaya, quicksilver77, ahares, woodson24kg, co1lector, kbryant1, kr580

    my site
  • I say the best way to do it is just disqualify any editing after making the picks the first time...require all picks to be made within 3 days of the last contests end (Wed.)...I can throw in a game used or two again next week...I wouldn't let a screw up void the whole thing for this week, just get rid of the bad apple since he's the one that thought cheating was going to go unnoticed...I'd throw a game used in this week if you decide to go ahead and have winners...Just let me know.
  • This week is still going to count. I am just really mad about that. I try to do something for fun on here and people (or person I should say) want to screw it up. I started a fantasy leauge also for prizes. The only reason that I was thinking about not counting this week is because I don't know if anyone else did this. But since I didn't catch anyone else I guess I can still count this week. I want to give everyone time for there pics but I think you are right liveandlearn. I will post week 10 games tonight and all entries must be received by FRI at 8PM.
    Looking for all penny hardaway cards that I don't have.


    baljitgill, epag (2), kls23, amfox1, kobecollector (2), bjork73, tmac21, chayne02, ljmaya, quicksilver77, ahares, woodson24kg, co1lector, kbryant1, kr580

    my site
  • Hey Steve,

    Is the fantasy bball draft on this Wednesday?

  • Yes it is on WED at 7:20 pm. Yahoo says be there 10 min. prior.
    Looking for all penny hardaway cards that I don't have.


    baljitgill, epag (2), kls23, amfox1, kobecollector (2), bjork73, tmac21, chayne02, ljmaya, quicksilver77, ahares, woodson24kg, co1lector, kbryant1, kr580

    my site
  • man i did good this week too, how bout you just not count the guy that cheated, and count everybody else's, if i win i dont need a weekly prize man, its for fun
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage

  • Sorry to hear about Tmac1 cheating. Your contests are a great asset to this board. Please don't allow a low life loser like Tmac1 bring your anger to a boiling point.

    Looking forward to next weeks contest! image
    Looking for former University of Arizona NBA RC's in PSA or BGS 9's/GEM MINT grades. Die hard University of Arizona and Bay Area Sports fan.
  • lmao, wait wait wait.... my clock at post was 11:21... so it said edited 11:21! wich was BEFORE the games started.... and hell if i was gonna edit it to win i woulda edited all the fuuckin teams to win. and a big Fuuck you to this kid who says im a loser, i didnt cheat at nothing, wtf is going on? i edited it at 11:21 wich is what it says on my PC, wich is WHEN i did it.... but whatever... be a buncha f@gs
  • ttt.... "Not Guilty"
    i didnt cheat....

  • << <i>The only reason that I was thinking about not counting this week is because I don't know if anyone else did this. >>

    I don't know how you found out T1Mac was cheating. But you can just look at the bottom of the posts. It will say there if it's edited. THANKS for the contest image

  • T1Mac... it says :
    Edited: Sunday November 03, 2002 at 3:51 PM by T1Mac

    Which is after a few games were over.
  • hey coltsfever how is it going?
    Sorry if I posted my picks a little later than normal I had a busy week. I just wanted to let you know I am going to the store on thursday to pick up a box of 02 Playoff Abs. Mem. Fb with plaque included. Let me know which numbers u still need and if u are going to complete any more sets or if u want to buy any more Colts cards from me.

  • ljmaya posted later than normal, but colts said that was fine. He even mentioned in his reply WHEN the deadline was for those picks. T1, you edited AFTER that deadline (doesn't matter if it was before any of the games started or not).

    Colts, I know you spend a lot of time on this contest. Even though I don't have the time, I still find a way to make sure that everyone is being fair, following the rules, all the #s of correct picks are right, and confirm who the people are that have a chance of winning the weekly prize (like Zimmy does also).

    Do not let some idiot that tries to cheat ruin a contest (especially one that is more than a week long). I personally checked the dates of the posts to make sure that no one was cheating, and I TOO saw that T1 cheated (he was the only one).

    As I did before when I was checking the status of week 6's MNF game (and who got that game right), I will find a way to continue to help you out on getting the correct information you need (as hopefully Zimmy will continue to do also). image
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards

  • << <i>T1Mac... it says :
    Edited: Sunday November 03, 2002 at 3:51 PM by T1Mac

    Which is after a few games were over. >>

    T1mac's said 11:21 and this is what mine said....

    Edited: Sunday November 03, 2002 at 5:51 PM by T1Mac

    So..in other words...everone's is different. There are only a few people I REALLY trust here and one of them is t1mac. Why would he cheat for cards? He didn't cheat.
  • thank you! my point is brought up again...
    Everyones clocks different, my clock said 11:21...
    The Games Had not even started!
    Please Prove that i cheated, wich you can not! because i didnt cheat! what a buncha Crap, being blamed for something i didnt even do, i know its fun, why the hell would i cheat for cards?? Football at that! i dont even collect much football, cept for warrick and seminoles...
    i think this statement should be voided...
    "Not Guilty"
    i didn't CHeat....
  • "Not Guilty" To Tha Fuuckin top so everyone knowes
  • NOT
  • My time is set here for the CENTRAL US time zone. And here is what it said:

    Edited: Sunday November 03, 2002 at 5:51 PM by T1Mac

    Can you say guilty? Bad enough he cheated, but now trying to deny it just makes it look even worse

    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

    The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
  • T1, quit being a loser and let it go.....
  • If I'm not mistaking, colts said in one of his 1st posts of his contest that it would be based on HIS time zone. If you want to participate in the contest, make your selections WAY before the deadline, so that crap won't happen again.

    Btw, every reply you've had on here so far has the work f___. You should be banned (like Derrick and others) for that same problem. If that had happened, we wouldn't even be worrying about this right now.
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards
  • co1lector, it doesnt matter what time zone you are in. Either way he changed it way after games were over. If it says 3 pm in the pacific time zone its the same as 5 in the central. So t1mac clearly cheated, doesnt matter what time yours says cause the time corresponds to a certain zone, and of course the games ended at a certain time in that particular zone, a time that was BEFORE t1mac edited his post
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

    The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football

  • Now he denies it.

    Survey says : Guilty!
    Looking for former University of Arizona NBA RC's in PSA or BGS 9's/GEM MINT grades. Die hard University of Arizona and Bay Area Sports fan.
  • conteset??
    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
  • yeah , ok... uhm i didnt cheat, but w/e...
    Yall are just making yourselves look dumb because I KNOW i didnt cheat...
  • yeah, at least 5 people agree that you cheat, but you "know" you didn't cheat. 5-1? yeah, your 1 still means that you didn't vote.
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards
  • Ok T1mac, if you didnt cheat, how come you edited your post at 5:51 central time? 5:51 central time is after the early games and almost is at the completion of the late games
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

    The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
  • well mine says 11:21 Eastern Time, so Uhm, how can u figure that???
    like i'd really cheat for a card... i mean come on its just cardboard...

  • Can't even admit he's a cheater.... the worst kind.
    Looking for former University of Arizona NBA RC's in PSA or BGS 9's/GEM MINT grades. Die hard University of Arizona and Bay Area Sports fan.
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