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What to get PS2 or Xbox?

Looking to buy either one not sure which one is better. Also, any idea when either one of them will go down in price a little bit? Maybe after Christmas?


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email: cctjones@marshallnet.com
ebay id-TimDwight83


  • if either of them go down in price it would most likely bet the ps2 just because its been around longer
    R.I.P. JOSH
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    Wants: all raider cards...tmac...dmiles.

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    raiders record 5-4
    my soccer teams record 11-3

  • XBOX. It is gonna have XBOX Live and it has much better graphic and games than PS2. And they are making the controllers smaller so you don't have to worry bout that.
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150
    I have xbox and it rocks.... great for sports games... I have Madden 2002... NBA 2002... and NASCAR thunder 2002.. and kid games... got the new crash bandicoot game, the black cat, and Abes Oddworld... its a well balanced machine.... never any crash problems for me.. and its supposed to get Networked this summer so you can play head to head out of state.
  • PS2, cause it's the only system you'll be able to play Grand Theft Auto Vice City on next week.
  • Well, I have both systems...I'd say go for PS2 if you even remotely like Grand Theft Auto....next week will see the release of Vice City and that's gonna be huge.....
    Get out of my rowboat.
    "On and on south of heaven...."
    "Hands on my face overbearing I can't get out"
  • i gotta admit xbox is a great system, but for sheer volume of titles ps2 is the ticket, much more variety in games almost 2-1 compared to xbox, online play is also available now for ps2

    big dogs of ps2:

    final fantasy
    grand tourismo
    grand theft auto
    socom navy seals (online now)
    tony hawk 3(online now)
    nba 2k3 (online now)
    madden(online now)
    metal gear solid
    devil may cry
    contra (coming soon)
    shinobi(coming soon)

    munchs oddysey
    nfl fever
    world series baseball
    sega gt
    unreal championship(coming soon)
    crash bandicoot

    basically ask yourself which games you would rather play now image
  • I think the graphics aren't that much different and plus, who cares about the graphics if the game just sucks. I still play Final Fantasy 7 cause the story is so good, and this has regular Playstation graphics, nothing too fancy. I would go for PS2 because, to me, they have better games.
    Interested primarily in Champ Bailey-RCs, game-used and autos
  • I love Xbox graphics, but I would go for the PS2 because there are more games. You have PS2 games and PS1 games.
  • I own all 3 of the big systems and i whould say Gamecube over all of them. Sure If you are buying the PS2 you are only buying it for one game Vice city. I could say the same thing for Xbox i have played almost all of the games and the only one that i really see as a great game is halo. Gamecube has a ton of stuff comeing out and its chepper then the others. None of them will go down again. So dont go looking for that. If you like sports then you have to go Gamecube. The Graphics are ten times better then PS2 and the Controls are 10x better then Xbox. Ok what about online. I Was one of the guys who had the Dreamcast and i played online all the time. PS2 has really crappy online play. I whoud know i have it. Xbox i dont have but i have heard bad things, but it will end up being the best just because its a dam CPU not really a system. Gamecube had internet gamming comeing and i will be one of the first to have it because Phantasy Star Online 2 will only be on Gamecube.

    So if you are just going with the crowd get PS2. But if you want a better system go Gamecube go Nintendo because they only make games.

    Look at me i should sell these things for a living LOL image
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    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • Gamecube??? Mini-discs takes it out of the race. No DVD for gamecube.
  • Sure, go for the Game Cube and then when Nintendo stops making games in a year or so for it and comes out with a new system then you'll have to buy the new one, just like they have done over and over and over again.
  • oh no he didnt! image
    ok..the deal with ALL online play is if your playing on a basic 56k modem , all game time will lag and suck..u gotta go cable..now ive been nintendo my whole life and im goin on 39! but even b4 xbox was a big question mark (i had my doubts but proved wrong) the ps2 had the initial tools to make #1 for consumers, the exclusive titles, dvd playable and online play..i had to go with the times and go with sony...gamecube went to "basic gamers" for basic gaming..i cant even think of 10 gamecube titles id like to own, they do have resident evil as a exclusive..but its going deeper than that as far as strategey, or even mature games, not to mention it dont play movies or have online..so while u play mario and monkeyball ill be contemplating getaway cars, weapons and all types of stuff maybe even play my buddy outta state

  • << <i>i gotta admit xbox is a great system, but for sheer volume of titles ps2 is the ticket, much more variety in games almost 2-1 compared to xbox, online play is also available now for ps2

    big dogs of ps2:

    final fantasy
    grand tourismo
    grand theft auto
    socom navy seals (online now)
    tony hawk 3(online now)
    nba 2k3 (online now)
    madden(online now)
    metal gear solid
    devil may cry
    contra (coming soon)
    shinobi(coming soon)

    munchs oddysey
    nfl fever
    world series baseball
    sega gt
    unreal championship(coming soon)
    crash bandicoot

    basically ask yourself which games you would rather play now image >>

    You gotta be kidding me! Here are XBOX's great games...

    Aggressive Inline
    Buffy The Vampire Slayer
    Dead or Alive 3
    Halo (Halo 2 is coming outsoon...said to be the greatest adventure game in video gaming history)
    Jet Set Radio Future
    Maddon 2003
    NBA 2k3
    NBA Inside Drive 2003
    NEF Fever 2003
    Munch's Oddysee
    Prject Gotham Racing
    Sega GT 2002
    Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
    UFC Tapout

    And, most all of those games are gonna be online. The XBOX also has a communicator so you can trash talk all you want to the other players while you are playing them. NOW you tell me which is betterimage
  • If you are going for dvds get a dvd player. Im talking about GAMES. Also Playstation will have a new system out before NES. PS3 will be out early 2004. Also NES will never die Xbox might just end up doing that.
    My E-Bay Auctions

    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • knicks644knicks644 Posts: 3,420 ✭✭✭
    mini disk make no load times.

    i am getting a xbox next week you get jetset radio and sega gt and the new small controller for 199....this deal will be around till xmas.ps2 just got vince city,but gta3 is for the pc and vice city will be to.so get a xbox and cube is good to
  • knicks644knicks644 Posts: 3,420 ✭✭✭
    o yeah one of my fav games all time is coming to xbox next week.....SHEN MUE 2!
  • c0LLect0r..half of those games are for ps2 also, i made list as exclusive to the respecting sytem, so narrow it down image

  • << <i>If you are going for dvds get a dvd player. Im talking about GAMES. Also Playstation will have a new system out before NES. PS3 will be out early 2004. Also NES will never die Xbox might just end up doing that. >>

    I'm talking about getting your money's worth. Yes, PS3 will be out, but on any new PS system, you can still play the games from the previous system. Just like on PS2, you can still play PS1 games. By Game Cube being mini-discs, all you can play is Gamecube system games. That's it.
  • PS3 will probably allow you to play PS2 games unlike new NES systems.

    From what I have read, GTA Vice City won't be out on the computer until 2003 at the earliest.

  • You know what why dont i just bring the smack down on all of you. The Real Best system for you moneys worth is none other then Gameboy Advance. Go look at the collection of games they have and its like haveing a PS1/SNES in your hands. Also they have the tv plug in coeming and they have a MP3 attachment.

    But it doesnt matter Gamecube is the best of all
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    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21

  • << <i>c0LLect0r..half of those games are for ps2 also, i made list as exclusive to the respecting sytem, so narrow it down image >>

    But the other half isn'timage

  • << <i>You know what why dont i just bring the smack down on all of you. The Real Best system for you moneys worth is none other then Gameboy Advance. Go look at the collection of games they have and its like haveing a PS1/SNES in your hands. Also they have the tv plug in coeming and they have a MP3 attachment.

    But it doesnt matter Gamecube is the best of all >>

    I bet you stuck on Super Mario.. at a certain age, you just have to let the Mario Brothers go.

  • << <i>

    << <i>You know what why dont i just bring the smack down on all of you. The Real Best system for you moneys worth is none other then Gameboy Advance. Go look at the collection of games they have and its like haveing a PS1/SNES in your hands. Also they have the tv plug in coeming and they have a MP3 attachment.

    But it doesnt matter Gamecube is the best of all >>

    I bet you stuck on Super Mario.. at a certain age, you just have to let the Mario Brothers go. >>

    LMAO Auto!
  • look Ps2 just pisses me off they just release everything they get in there hands. Gamecube takes time and makes masterpeaces like RE1.
    My E-Bay Auctions

    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • LOL @ auto..you gotta go to the land of rising sun for the true opinions of fanatic gamers, overall its ps2, xbox, gamecube for "ninny-sans"! just kidding image if u like the system u own and your happy.. the bottom line is havin fun, and that comes in all formats, all have their strengths and weaknesses image
  • i say xbox because its coming out with more games, its goin to have just as much as PS2, and plus u can burn music off xbox, i've done it!! and plus xbox got games that have better story lines and more reasons behind the story lines. its like the games they make, they make it real on the base of the game unlike PS2!! and plus grand theft auto vice city is comin out for xbox. ITS JUST MIGHT BE ME, BUT THE XBOX IS THE BOMB. GRAPHICS IS HOT, SPORTS GAMES LOOK REAL, THE ACTIONS LOOK REAL. AND PLUS THEY IS COMIN OUT WITH A PS3 IN LIKE 2005!!!
    looking for mcnabb, vick, alexander, kobe, t-mac, gooden, amare stoudamire


  • TTT, thinking of getting one this weekend, finally got enough moola. The Xbox package is intriguing any idea when xbox 2 or ps3 will come out?
    Check out my Site
    email: cctjones@marshallnet.com
    ebay id-TimDwight83
  • You Can Talk About The Future Of Gaming And Whats Gunna Come Out In 2005 all you want, But Now Is Now, And Right Now Id Go With The PS2, All Three Of The Systems Have Great Graphics, And They All Have Good Games, But Here Are Some Pros And Cons I Can Think Of, And Overall When I Chose My System, The Ps2 Won.


    Good: TONS Of Great Games, DVD, Cool Coumfy Controllers, Been Around The Longest

    Bad: ???


    Good: Great Games, DVD

    Bad: HUGE System Takes Up Too Much Shelf Space, Controllers Are Big And Bulkey


    Good: Great Games, Nintendo Has Been Around For A Long Time, Sweet Comfertable Controllers, Small In Size

    Bad: No DVD, Not Alot Of Games.
  • Anyone who answered anything but PS2 is completely oblivious to the market. PS2 has a crap load of awesome, must-own games. Right now the only Xbox exclusive game I'd like to own is Halo, and the only Gamebube exclusive game I'd like to own is Mario Sunshine. PS2 is absolutely murdering the compeition, and will continue to do so. Before I bought my PS2, I would consistentlt check to see what games were coming out for each system, and every month PS2 had like 2-3 titles coming out I was escited for, and Xbox and Gamecube had one or none. It was absolutely no contest.

    Vittle just wants Gamecube so he can keep getting the Pokemon image
  • Is there a good net place to get games or are u just better off getting them at Wally world or best buy?
    Check out my Site
    email: cctjones@marshallnet.com
    ebay id-TimDwight83
  • PS2 is better.image

    Buy used games at Blockbuster for the best price.image
  • I agree, Blockbuster will have good games like Metal Gear Solid 2 for $19.99 (and many cheaper) and sometimes they'll have buy 2 get 1 free deals on the used games. Don't even bother with ebay, with shipping costs games rarely close at great deals.
  • I have even made money on games from Blockbuster. ie bought Max Payne PS2 for $19.99, played it for a couple weeks, beat it, and sold it on ebay for $30. And I love the buy 2 games get the third one free deals.image
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