PUT THAT LINK IN YOUR BOWSER AND ENJOY. I hate vc, but this dunk is just pure digusting. This kid t1mac thinks tmacs dunk off the backboard is better than vc'S dunk off the backboard. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
lol! thats corny! tmac did his in traffic! and he froze the entire floor! never been done in an all star game! he made the 3 people around him look stupid. he had everyone froze! peep it in my signature
i havent re-set anything. Why would I care about mcgrady vs carter? I'm not even a fan of either one, but it doesn't take a genius to know that's vince carter's off the backboard dunk is 100 times better than the tmac's dunk.
still looks like a tie, but I doubt those people who voted for t-wacks dunk even looked at carters. There is no comparison............vince did a windmill OFF THE BACKBOARD....tmac did just a normal two handed dunk off the backboard.
man are you serious?who made this post....the vince carter dunk will go down as one of the greatest.....everyone knows it. thats why right after he did that dunk,his sp rookie when flying.....after tmac did that dunk...people was like.....and?...anyone can throw the ball off the backboard and bang.... he just made everyone look small...but did you see the dunk carter did in the olympics that will be the greatest facial of all time.....
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hillarious, he cant take it hes wrong..
refs:jeffo81,baird,Romeo,co1lector,Euphoria18,Cardnyou and many more just ask
Pierce? LOL
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T-mac was average, can T-mac do what carter did? Doubtful, can carter do what t-mac did, Yes.....But better........
carter may be able to do better but a windmill is easy for them...
and TMac did it in traffic... anyone coulda grabbed it but TMac got it and did something with it.
watch me when i'm 6'6'' ... i'll do windmills over & over again... easy
Ebay ID: mysteryman152
"Kid, get off me! Go back to school"
eat this, nikobe