Could We Stop the Drama? For real? Please?

Man, I thought we could all trade and converse in peace and harmony (except of course for bad, lawbreaking traders, who must DIE of course 
). Obviously not
First this disagreement between Ryan and Joyce (both of who have points I understand and agree with to various levels), which hopefully has been abated due to the formation of the Free Ballers MSN page. But now we have people at each other even after that, and now this war of words (and advertising policy) between CU, CE, and SCS has resurfaced, with some people implying that other boards are rife with "immature jerks"... what in the world is going on here? Is there any point to this? Are any of you happier alienating fellow traders, fellow human beings? It's understandable that people have opposing views on certain things, but it seems like people are more liable to trade verbal shots than actually discuss things in a manner that encourages positive change or understanding. It's severely jarring to people like me who just want to ENJOY trading and conversing (about things related to sports cards/memorabilia and things that aren't) that there's all this strife around. So please, no insults, no cross-accusations, no board-bashing, no more drama
Peace: it's a good thing

Kobe Who?
At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle 
Yes, I collect shiny modern crap
All your Shaq are belong to me

Yes, I collect shiny modern crap

All your Shaq are belong to me

<< <i>Man, I thought we could all trade and converse in peace and harmony (except of course for bad, lawbreaking traders, who must DIE of course
Not really. It's not a battle of CU, CE, and SCS. It's a battle against akafocus' spamming (and rarely ever contribute to boards). 90% of all his posts are advertisements for his site. He singles me out about saying something, but a few times other say something, but he ignores that and mention me. We had this out on Beckett message board and he said I had tunnel vision, yet NO ONE saw things his way and they started bashing him. Even a user from his site disagreed with him. The bashing continued by others and I guess the kitchen got too hot for him. Then we got his sidekick Cozzens99 bashing CE, yet he goes there 3-4 times a day. Since akafocus is not welcome there because he only spams and never really contributes to any board, he sends his YESMAN to run "surveillance"
<< <i>
AKAFocus.. I was/am a member of your site.. stopped going.. the site was pointless... just a couple of your "minions" hanging on your every word and praising you even when you really hadn't said anything..
The whole "My grandfather invented an engine that runs on water" story was basically the last straw.. completely asinine. >>
Always trying to impress people with all of these stories on who he knows, how important he is, etc. What's next akafocus? Will Fleer be changing their set name to 03 Fleer akaFocus next year?
Email me directly at
<< <i>I totally agree auto. I get sick and tired of seeing all the bs over and over. A link is fine, post it once, but don't flame every folder with your link. I jumped Dawson for his essay on CE too, so it's not just SCS that I bashed. At least Dawson had the common sense not to post the same story in every folder over and over like Crit's Critters. I mean, come on, first you have Cozzens posting and posting and posting again and again on MES. Then he claims every time he posts the link it's not spamming, because it's his signature. Sorry buddy, but Topps doesn't allow signatures. Hmmmm I wonder why, to keep morons like Kyle from doing that garbage. Then Josh and that ILoveSportsCards have to post about SCS right after eachother with a whole bunch of garbage that he can't back up. Trying to claim that SCS is the Fastest Growing site on the NET. I highly doubt that, maybe a sports card site, but not an overall site. So to conclude, AKAFOCUS is doing exactly what he says he isn't and according to his speaches he is Ruining Society as we know it. >>
Fair enough. akafocus has nothing on me, so he is directing his anger toward the mods. So, let me make this loud and clear. What the mods do OUTSIDE of CE is none of my business unless it deals with ripping people off. I try not to get involve with their personal issues. The mods are only required to mod CE and help run the site. If they advertise, that's done on their own. There is no demotion for not advertising (unlike akafocus demoting bigbdawson for not advertising or putting the logo and link in his signatures). I NEVER tell people to stay away from other sites (akafocus can't say that). Not only did he tell people to stay away from CE, he's also told people to NOT hang out with uwftke26 and his Free Ballers site.
Now, about to contributing to boards were post on. Check out our post counts and compare that to the times we post about CE. Very low ratio. I have over 6,000 posts here. How many of those are advertisements? Very little % wise. When we post about updates, it's something that people are interested in such as new box breaks, update on Area 51 (unreleased or rare error cards), contests, auctions, interviews, etc. Who cares who the new mods are? People will find out when they get there. Who cares how many members you have? People will also find that out when they get there. See my point? But even when we do post updates, it's rare compared to the other posts. On Beckett, I have almost 800 posts. Very rare that I post about CE there. Signature is enough. That's what it is for.
akafocus always goes against what he tries to preach and causes many contradictions. But I'm am glad he is worried about us and what we are doing (as he stated that he sent his side kick Cozzens99 to keep track of our site and what we are doing to report back to him), but be assured that I could careless about akafocus or his sites. He do what he do.
And unlike akafocus, I never try to control our users or mods. If I remember correctly, bigbdawson was a cadet or deputy or something on SCS while being a forum mod on CE. I had no problem with that. Ilya is a member or was on SCS. I have no problem with that. Even back in the heated CE/TR days, uwftke26, Ilya, and AI3TheAnswer (mods of CE) were members of TR. I had no problem with that. As long as they help the running process of CE, that's all I asked them to do.
So, I akafocus and Cozzens99 needs to write down everything they say and compare notes to make sure their stories match and read them before posting to avoid more contradictions, but their creditability is non-existent.