Pedigreed Coins Returned!

My two sets I sent for pedigree just returned. They kept the original cert numbers (as requested). After a quick review all appears to be in good order. It was not fast (two months), but it was free (except S/H/I).
Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
Smart move, too - perhaps one day these will become the much coveted Jordan "early coins"!
That will be a few years after I win the lottery, right?
Actually, other than a few upgrades, I expect to hold most of these coins for many years to come! And then my kids can keep them with the family name still in place.
That is so way cool!
I have yet to have anything pedigreed and its not from lack of wanting!
What sets were they?
My Dimes
<< If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right the first time! >>
You must have been waiting on pins and needles. 2 months is too long.
"It was free"??---they don't even charge you a reholdering fee?
BTW Brian, congrats, the wait must have felt like an eternity.