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My Friends... Please Read & Keep at the Top, Thanks! {This is something serious.}

Ok, to make a LONG ass story short... My Monitor is ttotally jcked up. My Dad threw it on the ground last Monday, and I got it workin' pretty good. But this afternoon (3pm ish) Came in to get on and it doesn't work for crap. Right now the monitor is on my right leg trying to hold the cord the right way. I have no idea when I will get a new monitor. We are currently tight as he|| on money. I'm lucky to have my phone on. But anyways... I won't be here to trade for a while. Note: I have stuff going out for rooks, ahares, Rob Demakis, & Baljit Gill. Bal, if you could please hold on to my web-site. Because if my account expires at hotmail.com I'm screwed out of the Sanana Moss GU image So I guess that's it...

Oh He||... It's worth a try... send your old monitor(s) to:
Shane Perry
7278 Partridge Drive
Dublin, OH 430116

LMAO! Man this blows... I can throw a lot of cards your way if you can hook me up with a monitor +$50-$70 and s/h.


  • damn i just got a new computer and got rid of the old one a few days ago.i will help keep this up top
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • Thank You! I'm gonna get off now. This monitor is heavy as he|| and is killin my leg. Once again Thanks!

    PS: Don't forget people $50-$70 Cash + CARDS for a good ole monitor.
  • TTT man hope things take a turn for the better
    cu refs,ljmaya,vittleboy,Jrccrum,Kls23,
  • I put a towel on m leg this time. But thanks for the kind words!!
  • TTT, knee is startin to hurt.
  • that really bites.go to a computer repair shop and see ig they have a 13" monitor they'll let go cheap...hell, those are about obsolete these days
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • Cheap... that is absolite as it is. Thanks though man!
  • I might be able to send a monitor your way if you can't find one, although I believe you should if you go to a used computer shop. LMK image
    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • Man that sucks. I once had my computer die and while it was not working a card got returned in the mail all beat up and I had no way of contacting the person but mail so I sent him a letter but before he got it he filled out a mail/internet fraud form. Hope this works out for you. Also, have u sent my cards yet?
    Alan Bierlein


    Refs: epag64, ahares, beave, airjordan22, skivermont3, bigshane, KLS23, Chillinbij, dewey, yanksfan, woodson24kg, danmarinocollector, NBAsteve, ejones06, clearandvalid, JRCCRUM, rooks, koolman2005, Lway7Fan, Bobstar, vittleboy, beasport, burress80, johnsauc, danotoriuos, goyanks01, whitetornado, richpf32
  • UPDATE! Should be getting a new monitor Thursday. I'm at (Bobby)Koolman2005's house. image So if you need to LMK ANYTHING message me I'll check every once in a great while.
  • AiRjOrDaN22AiRjOrDaN22 Posts: 2,038 ✭✭
    I just got rid of my old monitor or iwould have sent you it...It was smaller but worked...
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