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Sealed Boxes for Sale!

Hey, Im selling a bunch of boxes for a friend who owns a shop. He is trying to get rid of his older stuff that he has just sitting there. He is a powerseller on ebay, and a great guy. I just recently bought 15 boxes from him myself. This is our 3rd deal. Here are the boxes he has and how much he wants. Shipping not included. (all boxes are from 90-00)

90 Score Series 1 (36 packs) $20
90 Score Series 2 (36 packs) $20
90 Proset Series 1 (36 packs) $16
91 Score Series 1 (36 packs) $20
91 Score Series 2 (36 packs) $20
91 Ultra (24 packs) $20
91 Fleer (36 packs) $20
91 Proset Series 1 (36 packs) $16
91 Proset Series 2 (36 packs) $16
91 Proset Platinum Series 1 (36 packs) $20
91 Pacific Pro Plus (36 packs) $20
92 Stadium Club Series 1 (24 packs) $24
93 Topps (36 packs) $24
96 Playoff Contenders (12 packs) $30
97 Pinnacle Certified (20 packs) $40
97 Playoff Contenders (12 packs) $40
97 Pacific Invincible (24 packs) $32
98 CE Supreme Season Review (24 packs) $30
98 Aurora (36 Packs) $35
98 CE Advantage (18 packs) $30
99 UD MVP (36 packs) $30
99 Pacific Prisms Hobby (8 packs) $15
99 Pacific Prisms Retail (24 packs) $30
99 CE First Place (24 packs, 1 auto per box) $32
99 Pacific Omega (36 packs) $30
99 UD Hologrfx (24 packs) $32
99 CE Fury (36 packs) $32
99 Pacific Revolution Retail (24 packs) $32
99 Pacific Paramount Retail (24 packs) $30
99 CE Triumph (32 packs, average 1 auto/box) $32
00 Edge Supreme (24 packs) $30
00 Edge Odyssey (20 packs) $30
00 Edge T-3 (20 packs) $35

He also has baseball and basketball. I will have list in a while.


  • What is so hot in 97 playoff contenders?????
  • maybe he meant hott like in stolen image
  • Probably, because I don't see any autos and the best thing you could pull if you are extremely lucky is pull a card numbered to 1, which the odds of that and it being someone good is not in the buyers favor.
  • hmmm, lets see, there is the blue parallel, red parrallel, Contenders Clash(bv's $15-$60), leather helemt die cut (comes in regular 6x, blue 20x, red 60x bv of player), contenders pennants (5x base, blue 10x), performers plaques(same as pennants), rookie wave pennant(bvs-$6-$25)
    plus the base cards book $2(freeman)- $8(elway). Plus a buncha nice rookies. Whats not HOTT about it?? Easy chance at pulling a lotta big stars, and several cards that book $10-$50. Let alone the chance at pulling one of a number of different $60-$200 cards!
  • the new becketts dont list hardly any of the insert sets from cards 99 and back. go online and check em out! or look in a earlier version of your beckett(october 2000 is the one im using)
  • That is why beckett stops listing them, because there isn't a big enough market for them.
  • ttt, for anybody who isnt qu*r and knows what they are talking about
  • Another reason they might be sitting on his shelf,is they are $10 to $15 higher priced than some online sites list the same boxes for.
    You might want to let him know that.If he is a power seller,then he might want to check his competition as they are underselling him big time.Hope this helps.
    Bob & CJ
    Dad & Son

    ! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! !

    WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
    Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.


    References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
  • I'm in agreement with Bobstar on this one... I cerntainly mean no offense but to be honest most of those boxes are going to have to drop $10-20 in order to draw interest on this fourm.
    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • 97 Pinnacle Certified (20 packs HOTT!!) $40
    97 Playoff Contenders (12 packs, HOTT!!) $40

    Looking for High-End Football Cards.

    Many Refs, just ask.


  • AiRjOrDaN22AiRjOrDaN22 Posts: 2,038 ✭✭
    Who cares if he puts it as hott big deal maybe he likes some of the stuff you can pull...ill im saying dont get on his back for something as stupid as that... CANT WE ALL JUST HAVE PEACEimage
  • Hey airjordan22 douchebag-
    It is my job to confront ignorance, and this post is pure ignorance.
    Looking for High-End Football Cards.

    Many Refs, just ask.


  • AiRjOrDaN22AiRjOrDaN22 Posts: 2,038 ✭✭
    lol image
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    can give you 8 bucks dvld for the 99 hologrfx

  • $8 delivered, LMAO!!! Are you nutz? They go a hell of a lot more than that on ebay, and in shop!! I love this post jsut like your $7 delivered for my 3 ron dayne rookie gameused(bv$120).
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