This is a contest for all you poets. It will end Wednesday night. I will decide who is the winner on who I think wrote the best poem. NO Copying. Winner will receieve a prize. You can enter twice maximum.
Reverse Outcome
The pen and the paper that I'm writing on talks to me,
And the grins on their faces make me cry so brutally,
All the pain that I feel makes me create such cruelty,
Most of the love comes from pain, from pain there is shame,
and then fatality.
Characteristics of the mourning make the pain feel worse,
I think I'm dying, go ahead, put me in the back of the hurst,
I was put on this Earth to be tormented and cursed,
Lied to, treated horribly, I couldn't be the first,
I've shrivled into a million pieces, now I'm re-embursed,
Suddenly I've been picked up,
and now the pain comes in spurts,
Look at me, I'm immortal and nothing ever really hurts,
This is just a sonnett to remind you that I'm blessed,
Yet, I do feel others pains,
but instead I turn them into unimaginable gains.
The Love of my Life (4/20/01)
This cute lady had long, brown hair
And eyes just like a pearl,
But she never did seem to care
When I talked to a girl.
I thought about her noon and night
(Each second of the day);
I would walk by so that she might
Come over to say "hey!"
I asked to go out on a date
Because she seemed real sweet;
She said "ok", but had to wait
For our parents to meet.
For some strange reason, I don't know...
They're maybe just concerned?
I guess her parents told her "no",
In which her stomach turned.
Valentine?s was a special day
So, I gave her a rose.
She said it?s sweet, and walked away
(What she thought, no one knows).
Just that quick, her attitude switched
And talked to me no more.
The letter from her I had pitched
While I walked out the door.
I must forget about the past
And move on with my life.
I know the feeling will not last
When I am with my wife.
I don?t control what is to be
Because God has a plan;
He will make my wife perfectly
For me, a sinful man.
I won?t complain about my wife
Because she's meant for me;
I know life will be full of strife;
That's how wives are to be.
Death?s Revenge (3/26/02)
There was once a dark, stormy night
When lightning and thunder appeared;
The husband and wife had a fight
About why he is being feared.
He strikes his wife when he gets mad,
Which causes bruises on her face,
But he pushed her, ?cause she was ?bad?,
Hard into a wooden bookcase.
She died from the impact it made,
So he did not know what to say;
Under the floorboards she had laid
Until her body rot away.
One night, the girl?s ghost came back home
To get revenge on her husband,
So when he returned back from Rome,
She slit his throat with his own hand.
The house has been empty since then
?Cause people feel it?s still haunted.
Murder is the ultimate sin;
Revenge comes from being taunted.
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There was and old man from nantucket
Who's ...........................LMAO
Bombs drop on our town,
All the people stand and frown.
You can hear them all through the night,
I huddle in a corner frozen with fright.
The lights have gone out, it's a power cut.
I cover my ears and my eyes are held shut.
I here the sirens, I hear a crash.
I here a whimper and then a splash.
i feel for mother, I cry here name.
I feel a warm puddle, the war is to blame.
I sit and weep all through the night.
Holding my mother's body tight.
Then I pray for all my friends,
As my world comes to an end.
Baseball is my GAME! Interested in Mariners GU or Autos!!!!!!
Traded With: Raf12,Monkapop,KardKollector,
Sosasayso,SFGiants25,NatAker, Iverson3ball,Lachu91,HtsCards,Haliguy,NathanChamp,DuncanGal, BigErik, Nash, OTHERS!
Not to mention a pri(k,
He thinks he's a god
He aint got no bod
He can be kinda stupid
Boy he needs cupid
And that sums it up about him.
<< <i>I would also love for someone to step up to me and challenge me and see if they can out-do my shizzle...I've already made yanyak5 and MAINMAN bow down...don't get me started!
you knew something was comming...
<< <i>Derrick is a dick,
Not to mention a pri(k,
He thinks he's a god
He aint got no bod
He can be kinda stupid
Boy he needs cupid
And that sums it up about him.
Yeah, I'm a dick, I got it large,
ask ya girl, she knows that I "pri(k",
She knows that I'm slick,
I'm quicker than quick...
yankyak5, you must like men,
you know your Mike Piazza's best friend,
Don't make me have to create the ultimate sin,
I'm laughing at your weak poem again and again.
I don't need cupid...cupid needs ME,
bowing down to the poetic God,
I create such a catastrophe,
you love me?
Well, I hate you...
you punk a$$ freak!
this bit(h was sucking my co(k
the clock struck two,
i dropped my goo
and i dropped the bit(h off at the next block
hows that?
<< <i>hickory dickory dock,
this bit(h was sucking my co(k
the clock struck two,
i dropped my goo
and i dropped the bit(h off at the next block
hows that? >>
Ski, that poem was g@y,
no girl would give you the day,
the clock struck three,
ya girl was with me,
and what else is there left to say?
A hot chick came to my door,
Of course she was a whore,
We had a good time,
I paid her the dime,
But she was still begging for more.
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I Love You...
I Love You in a special way,
a way I've loved no one else,
my heart pounds to see your face,
your voice is that of an angel,
things wont always be perfect,
we won't always agree but still you need to know,
since i really don't know how to show,
you my love i feel inside,
there are no words to tell you,
no number high enough to count the ways,
no song to explain it,
no poem to obtain it,
no expression i can show,
he love me....
he loves me not.....
no more should run through your mind,
i love you
thats all i can say
to explain it........
i love you in a special way.
Derrick, can you say new school nizzle on your grill. Biznatch !!!
Here are 2 songs that I wrote last year just for fun.
The Grinch version of “Up On the Roof Top”
Up on the roof top there’s the Grinch!
Down through the chimney with a stinch.
Coming to steal the Christmas toys,
Coming to take the children’s joys!
Oh, no - what should we do?
Oh, no - what should we do?
Up through the chimney with the toys,
No more presents for the girls and boys!
(Sing to the tune of “Up on the House Top”)
(Words by: Michael Baskin)
I Saw the Grinch Stealing Our Christmas Tree
I saw the Grinch stealing our Christmas tree,
Because he decided that Christmas shouldn’t be.
We didn’t see him crawl down the hall to steal it all.
He took everything - even the big red bouncy ball.
Oh, I saw the Grinch grab up all the lights.
He even took the star in our manger bright!
Oh, how sad we are today with no toys we have to play,
Since the Grinch stole our stuff away last night!
(Sing to the tune of: “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”)
(Words by: Michael Baskin)
CU Refs:
playr050, Nash, Patman2011, Sosa21, Car, co1lector,
weasel510, yanyak5, JRCCRUM, Mikefromchester, & ljmaya.
<< <i>This isn't one of my poems, but.......
A hot chick came to my door,
Of course she was a whore,
We had a good time,
I paid her the dime,
But she was still begging for more. >>
Oh no, that chick ain't right!
Please tell me you didn't last night???
Her looks are nice and sweet,
but the inside is something that's like raw meat,
A walking virus, a terrible disease,
You better go get checked for an STD!
All you do is freakin wack all day
You gots no girls
they dont want you
All you need is some beer and cheese
And then get the f(ck down on yo nees
haha sorry i'm bored
Ebay ID: mysteryman152
"Kid, get off me! Go back to school"
eat this, nikobe
<< <i>D-Man, you ARE insane
All you do is freakin wack all day
You gots no girls
they dont want you
All you need is some beer and cheese
And then get the f(ck down on yo nees
haha sorry i'm bored >>
Yeah, I'm very insane,
like ya girl, she is very plain,
but isn't it very strange?
I'd make you choke on cat mange,
and then I'd drink beer a cheese right in front of your face,
that would be a disgrace,
Your girl said I was the sex ace,
I come like lightning, but at a quicker pace,
I don't need many girls, I got your's,
after a while, she'll have sweat comin' from her pores,
don't be sorry just bow down,
You don't know who you messin' with you silly clown...
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One night I had a wondrous dream,
One set of footprints there were seen,
The footprints of my precious Lord,
But mine were not along the shore.
But then some stranger prints appeared,
And I asked the Lord, "What have we here?"
Those prints are large and round and neat,
"But Lord, they are too big for feet."
"My child," He said in somber tones,
"For miles I carried you alone.
I challenged you to walk in faith,
But you refused and made me wait."
"You disobeyed, you would not grow,
The walk of faith, you would not know,
So I got tired, I got fed up,
And there I dropped you on your butt."
"Because in life, there comes a time,
When one must fight, and one must climb,
When one must rise and take a stand,
Or leave their butt prints in the sand."
Are you happy now
You tried to take my voice from me
Tried to put it in the trophy case that is your mind
But you never succeeded
You were just the alum rammed down my throat
You don’t have your prize
But now my words are sterilized
They are just sounds they mean nothing they do nothing
Your imprisonment redefined sound
I know what music is but now it is just a string of wrong notes
I have a song
But when I think of singing it I hear your threats feel your hate see your jealousy
I have an identity
But my thoughts on it were forgotten when I was a slave for your backward rebellion was a pawn for the sacrifice was a throwback to the good ol’ days
I have a gift a purpose a love
But I was blinded from them now I have to look for lost goods now I have to undo your deed
I have a message a song of freedom of victory of purpose of progress
Yes, I collect shiny modern crap
All your Shaq are belong to me
<< <i>Derrick is a queer,
he's like it every year,
Derrick is a f@g,
he always likes to brag.
Derrick is a wench
he's got a nasty stench
Derrick has one ball
the others at the mall
Derrick is so gay
at least thats what they say
Derrick is a whore
he's always on the floor
Derrick thinks he's cool
but he's nothing but a fool,
Derrick is a co(k
just a dumb jock
Derrick is a boob
he always has to lube
Derrick is a crotch
he always makes a botch
Derrick your a loser
your nothing but a user
you always think your funny
you havent got no money
so im glad to say all this
with happiness and bliss.
but theres one more thing to say
before i go away......
you suck my ball
if you recall,
you suck my T!t
you need to quit,
you suck my ear
you littel queer,
you suck your mom
you suck dot com,
you suck your house
you dirty mouse,
you suck your shoe
you lick your poo,
your such a ferry
you canary
you got no game
your full of shame.......
soon you will agree
to never mess with me
because i am the best
and i have this contest. >>
Actually, I've only posted ONE REAL poem. I still haven't posted my other one yet. I'm just responding to other people posting wack sh*t about me...
ynyak5, please stop while your at it,
your gettin' worse and worse, you must like me a lot...
I am a poetic addict,
a rhyming machine,
you don't come close to me,
Your poems are not in my world,
I got you going around in circles like a jerry curl,
If you post another fake poem like that again, I'll hurl,
and then have your brain in a daze-like swirl...
quit trying to play, your reminding me of your girl,
Some words of wisdom before I write this off,
You could learn a lot from me if you stop being so soft...
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I'm a man a human being and yet I feel so far from whole
Kinda hard to feel complete reduced to a twelve-inch pole
Cannot feel cannot stop but still I have to always succeed
Cannot help cannot console all I do is make things bleed
So Machiavellian so pure
So masculine so secure
So hard to learn and fail
When all I can do is impale
Such a facade such a shell
Such a cage in the middle of hell
Can't help being nothing but sick
When all I can be is a dick
I'm a spiritual being free to fly and yet I feel so low
Hard to make anybody appove of me except when I grow
I'm so new and so modern and yet feel so so antiquated
But with a life moving in only one direction this should be anticipated
Is this success is this victory or is it just a rape
Vicious lies broken ties and yet I can't escape
Hurting you through and through and yet I feel fine
How can I cry foul when I can't even utter a whine
Why is it when you scream my name I feel like God
(when you scream my name I feel like God)
(when you scream my name I feel like God)
(when you scream my name I feel like God)
Seemingly easy so impure
Seemingly stong so insecure
What can I really do but fail
When all I know is to impale
They helped but I made the shell
They condonned but I made my hell
Of course I should feel this sick
Making everybody choke on this dick
copyright 2002 by Al-XXX
... btw if you haven't gotten it by now this is a CRITICAL look at conventions of masculinity
Yes, I collect shiny modern crap
All your Shaq are belong to me
I want to see what people can come up with (and please, really, quit the gay jokes or make them, you know, actually funny
Yes, I collect shiny modern crap
All your Shaq are belong to me
it was all about the poon
half past noon
i got her in bed
and she started givin head
boy was it good
i wonder if i could
make her my hoe
so shed never say no
she got all excited
i decided not to fight it
i let it all out
and she began to pout
it was all in her eye
then she said bye
it was all about the poon
and now i am a goon
later home boys
For Mike
How can you ache and crave for someone's touch
When you have never felt it?
I do this for yours though,
and the yearning grows more each day.
I have never wanted anything in my life
as much as I want you.
When you whisper such sweet love
in my ear when we talk,
you make me melt in a puddle
of complete helplessness.
You have become my every waking thought
and my every dream at night.
I breathe in so hard
trying to catch my breath when we can't talk.
I close my eyes so tight
hoping when I open them you will be there.
But I know I have to wait
until the time is right.
It seems so far away
that I think I am losing my mind.
I want to breathe in your scent
and keep it with me all day long.
I want to taste your love for me
by kissing your sweet lips.
I want to feel your body next to me
so when you leave for awhile,
I can hold on.
I just want you to know
that I really do love you.
When the day comes and we are together
you will always know and feel this.
I will always hug, kiss, and love you
every moment of the day and night.
Hope I didn't embarrass you Mikey
The Winds Of Change
The winds of change
have blown me away
Like thinking of you
on this cold winter day.
I sit here and think
that this snow's meant for you
and the words that you speak
tell me that your love is true.
Before I met you
my future looked glum
I didn't know love
yeah my life wasn't fun.
But fate stepped right up
and gave me a choice
said you can either be alone
or have a future with Joyce.
The answer didn't take long
I'll tell you for sure
cause my life would be nothing
if it wasn't for her.
She brings my life joy
that much can be said
Visions of us together
run rampant in my head.
Just the simple things
in life that we will share
like watching a movie
as I run my fingers through her hair.
To helping with the dishes
and putting suds on her nose
to holding her down and
tickling her toes.
Her life gives me meaning
I'm sure of that
Guess now I am really glad
that I got that tat!
Yes, I collect shiny modern crap
All your Shaq are belong to me
It hasnt been long
Maybe a season or two
So here is my song
On how i feel about you
Its kinda confusing,
I dont know why
I geuss love is like this
Its the ultimate high
I always feel shy
i never speak straight
i never get sleep
I stay up real late
So i geuss i will speak
These words from afar
I just want you to know
How awesome you are.
come on everybody let's get creative
Yes, I collect shiny modern crap
All your Shaq are belong to me
no one will like it...
Me and my buddy in my impala
goin to stores, pimpin' for dollas
We go downtown to have a drink or two
the partay is wild its a gigantic zoo!!
We popped open some wine and the cork flew by
It missed me, it missed him, but hit her in da eye!!
Hospital! Hospital here we come!!
Her eye swole shut, she said it was numb
"Somebody, somebody, please help!"
Nobody came bye except.... Dr. Kelp!
What's gonna happen to her?? huh? huh? huh?
"Its just a swolen eye *goshdarnet* duh!"
"Dont worry" he said
"It's not like she'll be dead!!!"
"Oh ok" we said in relief
Her was back to normal!!!! we stared in belief!
Well thats the end of this poem... i throw it in the bin...
Oh and one last thing I HOPE I WIN!!
Check out my site!! myurl
Refs: SkiVermont3, AirCanada, IversonMiles (multiple times), Colton (multiple times), CoryZbinden, Cpandeaz3,ejonez6
Goal: to get in TR!!!
I listen to his songs,
The ones by Papa Roach;
I don't care about right or wrong
Or about any sport's coach.
This will be my "last resort"
(no other choice to make).
I don't care about playing a sport;
This won't be a promise I'll break.
I no longer give a dam(n)
Because my life sucks;
I could die in a traffic jam
or by suffication by knunchucks.
My life no longer means a thing,
Of course, it never did;
I have no worries of wedding rings,
because I'll die a kid.
Suicide's the only way
That I can have my peace;
I don't want to live another day,
Because I want to be decease.
video games & systems
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every moment lived is a victory against those we think want us dead.
Think about it... please
Yes, I collect shiny modern crap
All your Shaq are belong to me
cuz that sh!t was wack... dont say nothin like that.. aint worth it
i agree with bjork
Ebay ID: mysteryman152
"Kid, get off me! Go back to school"
eat this, nikobe
*whispers* matrix this is where you come in
Yes, I collect shiny modern crap
All your Shaq are belong to me
Check out my site!! myurl
Refs: SkiVermont3, AirCanada, IversonMiles (multiple times), Colton (multiple times), CoryZbinden, Cpandeaz3,ejonez6
Goal: to get in TR!!!
My Only One
Everyone has a dream of that special one,
The one that is there for you and loves you for the inside,
I've dreamed that dream many times,
but your my only one,
I know I'm not the most gorgeous one,
with long flowing blond hair or rosemary lips,
I know you have always dreamed of that gorgeous one,
but still your my only one,
I dreamed about you by my side,
through the thrills and terrors of life,
Yet you won't even talk to me,
but sometimes I wonder why you are my only one!
my secound
Winter Dreams
As the white flaky snow falls from the sky
I watch the clock as time goes by
I wish that school is out just one more day
It's too long to wait for vacation in May
I turn on the radio hoping for the best
All I need is a favor to get out of a big test
I listened real close and finally heard my school's name
I know that this day will never be the same
I got dressed in my new coat, snow boots, and hat
I ran down the stairs and stood on the welcome mat
I put on my scarf and went out to play
I made a snowman and named it Kaye
I went inside because I couldn't feel my face
I ran upstairs like I was in a big race
Then dreamed that tomorrow will be the same!
The winner is Bjork Please PM me your addy.
Everyone did a great job, you all deserve a prize
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