JUNK SILVER - That time of year again, WTB, and seeking donations

Link to last year's post for history purpose.
Link to website for club
Once again, Mid-Western Artifact Society dedicated to the hobby of metal detecting will be holding it's Annual Hunt during the 2nd weekend of September. We are looking to purchase junk 90% U.S. silver coins at 6x face shipped for this year. As always, donations are welcome and appreciated. We will once again be holding a night hunt in addition to the day hunts, and a free hunt for kids with all prizes / coins based solely on donations. If you choose to donate any silver coins / wheat or indian cents, please specify as to whether you want those to go to the day hunts, night hunt, or kids hunt. If you would like to make a donation for any other type of prize to the kids hunt, that would be welcome as well.
Anyone in the Kansas City area is welcome to come on out on the day of the hunt of you wish to meet the members, and if you are a detectorist in the area perhaps join the club in the future.
We have a new Secretary for this year, but anyone selling the club silver or donating coins I will make sure receives a copy of the newsletter following the Annual Hunt.
Total club members this year is up to 61, and we are one of three metal detecting clubs in the Kansas City area. Membership of our club received a boost beginning in January after the local papers and television news picked up on a story of one of our club members returning a class ring lost 40 years ago.
Link to website for club
Once again, Mid-Western Artifact Society dedicated to the hobby of metal detecting will be holding it's Annual Hunt during the 2nd weekend of September. We are looking to purchase junk 90% U.S. silver coins at 6x face shipped for this year. As always, donations are welcome and appreciated. We will once again be holding a night hunt in addition to the day hunts, and a free hunt for kids with all prizes / coins based solely on donations. If you choose to donate any silver coins / wheat or indian cents, please specify as to whether you want those to go to the day hunts, night hunt, or kids hunt. If you would like to make a donation for any other type of prize to the kids hunt, that would be welcome as well.
Anyone in the Kansas City area is welcome to come on out on the day of the hunt of you wish to meet the members, and if you are a detectorist in the area perhaps join the club in the future.
We have a new Secretary for this year, but anyone selling the club silver or donating coins I will make sure receives a copy of the newsletter following the Annual Hunt.
Total club members this year is up to 61, and we are one of three metal detecting clubs in the Kansas City area. Membership of our club received a boost beginning in January after the local papers and television news picked up on a story of one of our club members returning a class ring lost 40 years ago.