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Forum Rules

ule 1) This is not a public forum. This is a PCGS forum paid for by PCGS and provided for PCGS customers to exchange information regarding Precious Metals. We make the rules this is not a democracy.

Rule 2) Anyone posting crude or vulgar pictures or language will no longer be allowed to post. No more warnings.

Rule 3) Anyone attacking another poster or making disparaging personal remarks will no longer be allowed to post. No more warnings.

Rule 4) Anyone making libelous remarks concerning any individual, any company, or any other entity will no longer be allowed to post. No more warnings.

Rule 5) If you have nothing to contribute to an OP then do not post. Snide remarks and other negative comments will result in your losing your ability to post. No more warnings.

Rule 6) This forum is about Precious Metals. If your post is not directly related to Precious Metals then this is the wrong forum. Do not post it or your posting privileges may be removed.

Rule 7) This is a PCGS forum. Posts promoting or bashing other grading companies or service are not allowed. Those posts will be removed and your posting privileges may be removed as well.

Rule 8) This forum is provided for the education and sharing of information. Not as a personal soapbox. If you want to learn and share information about Precious Metals you are welcome.

Rule 9) Your signature may contain multiple images and/or links but must be limited to a single line. If you would like additional advertising space on this site please contact our Advertising Department. Violators will have their posting privileges removed.

Rule 10) If you don't like any of the rules outlined above see Rule 1.
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