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More Carson City State Trust Bank Dollar rolls - this time in color!

More "short" rolls of silver dollars from the never-existed "Carson City State Trust Bank"


This time, instead of reverses of 2 CC dollars showing, the OBVERSES of two horrible "blowtorch" faked toned
coins show on the ends.

Bidding is up to $2666 for ten coins....

plus $77 shipping
Frank Provasek - PCGS Authorized Dealer, Life Member ANA, Member TNA. www.frankcoins.com


  • Batman23Batman23 Posts: 4,999 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looks like the bidders are hoping for 10 original toned MS 1885-CC Morgans.

  • krankykranky Posts: 8,709 ✭✭✭
    Sad. Even if people didn't know the bank never existed, it seems pretty obvious that the word "Nevada" on the roll is printed in a modern font.

    I am surprised that previous buyers were happy, given what he claims they sold for.

    New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.

  • That roll looks pretty old! Is it? Since the bank never existed, when and how was this done?

    It is obvious that "Nevada" is in a different font. It would be fun to open the roll just to see what the heck is in there -- but not worth $ 2,666 plus $ 77 to find out....
    How 'bout them DAWGs!
  • cheezhedcheezhed Posts: 5,763 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Checking this and all his current and old auctions one can't help but notice the seam of the roll is never shown.

    I just sent a request for just such a pic.
    Many happy BST transactions
  • garrynotgarrynot Posts: 1,874 ✭✭✭

    $77 shipping?? What a rip-off!! I can buy another AT '85 dollar with that. image
  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,879 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>That roll looks pretty old! Is it? Since the bank never existed, when and how was this done? >>

    Paper grocery bag roughed up a little then sent through ink jet printer. I should print up a few and sell the empty paper tubes on eBay and illustrate how to put a roll like this together.
  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭
    I like how they've added a little JPG of a Nevada obsolete currency note --- in full color, no less! --- to lend an air of authenticity.

    No bank would have wasted money for four-color printing process on something as ephemeral as a paper coin wrapper. Especially for such a tiny image. It would have added nothing to the bottom line. A frivolous expense. (But quite inexpensive in today's world of small office / home office color laser printers.)

  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭
    This evokes not-so-fond memories of The Savannah Scammer™.

  • DorkGirlDorkGirl Posts: 9,994 ✭✭✭

    << <i>This evokes not-so-fond memories of The Savannah Scammer™. >>

    Not-so-fond is very kind of you.
  • renomedphysrenomedphys Posts: 3,597 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nothing OBVIOUS in the bidding history, but stupidity of this level would seem to indicate a shill.

  • << <i>I personally think its better to sock away the roll >>

    If you don't open them, then you can continue to believe you got a "DEAL".
    The glass is half full!
  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,879 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>The legitimacy of the rolls are still in question but at least the bank did exist. >>

    For me, there is no question about the legitimacy of the rolls, just one resounding answer.
  • <<For me, there is no question about the legitimacy of the rolls, just one resounding answer.>>

    I've found some nice 7/8TF and 8TF from the ones that I had opened. A majority of them consist of modern dates but there are a couple rare ones like 1904-S that were a good find. From the short stack that I had opened 4 of the 10 coins were cc's 1883,84,82,82, MS 64-65 and the outside consisted of 8TF PL MS 63-62. The others were common dates.

    Don't waste money, give it to me.
  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭

    << <i>History that the bank existed. I also have a note from the bank. The legitimacy of the rolls are still in question but at least the bank did exist.

    http://www.google.com/search?q=Carson+City+Trust+Bank+History,+Carson+City,+Nevada&hl=en&client=safari&sa=X&tbo=p&rls=en&tbs=tl:1,tll:1892,tlh:1893&ei=g0upS8bZN4SqtgO87ZS4AQ&oi=timeline_histogram_main&ct=timeline-histogram&cd=7&ved=0CIcBEMkBKAc >>

    I'm not seeing the history. Maybe I'm overlooking something obvious?
  • StaircoinsStaircoins Posts: 2,566 ✭✭✭

    << <i>... I also have a note from the bank. ... >>

    Joshieboi - I collect obsolete currency. Can you post a scan of your note from this bank? I'd enjoy seeing it. Thanks.

  • <<Joshieboi - I collect obsolete currency. Can you post a scan of your note from this bank? I'd enjoy seeing it. Thanks.>>

    Sure thing, it'll take me a while to find it, put it in a book somewhere... I remember the signatures being in Iron that was oxidized. I'll put it up ASAP. As for the link, I'll correct it as well, Google is a monster. I ask for your patience while I look through the archives again.

    If everything is backwards, moving forward is backward?

  • RWBRWB Posts: 8,082
    Some of the VAMpires could possibly identify the mint from the obverse images. They are a pretty sharp bunch.
  • morgansforevermorgansforever Posts: 8,445 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I see a grey sheet under the roll, nice touch.
    World coins FSHO Hundreds of successful BST transactions U.S. coins FSHO
  • State Trust Check Link

    Allow me to reiterate my findings, I believe that the Carson City State Trust Bank is actually the State Bank and Trust Company in Carson City. Any thoughts?
  • ResRes Posts: 1,086

    << <i>State Trust Check Link

    Allow me to reiterate my findings, I believe that the Carson City State Trust Bank is actually the State Bank and Trust Company in Carson City. Any thoughts? >>

    My thoughts are that it is a made up name, designed to sound legitimate.
  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭

    << <i>State Trust Check Link

    Allow me to reiterate my findings, I believe that the Carson City State Trust Bank is actually the State Bank and Trust Company in Carson City. Any thoughts? >>

    Hmmm... most banks were pretty particular about how their names were used, especially in official capacities, like on negotiable instruments and currency.

  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭

    << <i>
    Allow me to reiterate my findings, I believe that the Carson City State Trust Bank is actually the State Bank and Trust Company in Carson City. Any thoughts? >>

    What makes you believe the bank didn't care how its name was spelled, or the order in which various words appeared in its name? Have you found something in your research that led you to this conclusion?

  • StaircoinsStaircoins Posts: 2,566 ✭✭✭

    Okay, mystery solved - regarding the bank name, anyway. Please see here, on page 3 of the PDF.

    "Abstract: Documents a series of Carson City, Nevada Banks and other early Nevada businesses. The Bank records begin
    with materials from the Carson City Savings Bank from 1876-1884, through the Bullion and Exchange Bank from
    1884-1903, and end with the State Bank and Trust Company from 1903-1907."
    (emphasis added)

    I agree that there was, in fact, a "State Bank and Trust Company" in Carson City that existed from 1903 to 1907.

    I do not agree that they would have had roll wrappers imprinted with the name "Carson City State Trust Bank".

  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭
    Hmm. Define "mystery solved."

    I don't think the Carson City State Trust Bank ever existed, and I don't think a bank with a similar-sounding name (or a name with similar words in a different order) is the same thing. Or is it?

  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 32,715 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>State Trust Check Link

    Allow me to reiterate my findings, I believe that the Carson City State Trust Bank is actually the State Bank and Trust Company in Carson City. Any thoughts? >>

    maybe his real name has the H, and he just uses Jon as a stage name.

    Sometimes I sign my name with a G.... and an I.

    such a staunch supporter you are......

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,879 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Any thoughts? >>

    A few. First is to call BS. Second is I think maybe I'll print up a bunch of Carson City State Trust Bank wrappers on some lunch bags. Send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and you can have some free whenever I get around to it. Heck, you can do it yourself, as the Old English Text MT and Britannic Bold fonts are probably already on your computer. You want a large cent wrapper from "Ye Olde Banke of Philadª" and a picture of a 15-star flag to unquestionably date the roll to 1794? No problem. If you write "1793" or "1794" on it, though, use a black ball-point pen, not blue. Authenticity, and all that.
  • StaircoinsStaircoins Posts: 2,566 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Hmm. Define "mystery solved."

    I don't think the Carson City State Trust Bank ever existed, and I don't think a bank with a similar-sounding name (or a name with similar words in a different order) is the same thing. Or is it? >>

    "Mystery solved" = the issue is put to rest ... in my mind, anyway. I am satisfied that:

    1) The so-called Carson City State Trust Bank never existed.
    2) The State Bank and Trust Company in Carson City did exist from 1903 to 1907, but I find no evidence that it ever did business under the name "Carson City State Trust Bank". Furthermore,
    3) In my experience, banks are (and were) careful under what name business is conducted.

    (And don't get me started on the tiny image of the obsolete note that's printed on the wrapper! image )

  • <<Mystery solved" = the issue is put to rest ... in my mind, anyway. I am satisfied that:

    1) The so-called Carson City State Trust Bank never existed.
    2) The State Bank and Trust Company in Carson City did exist from 1903 to 1907, but I find no evidence that it ever did business under the name "Carson City State Trust Bank". Furthermore,
    3) In my experience, banks are (and were) careful under what name business is conducted.

    I realize that bank names need to be proper but for a company to formally change into a bank it would need to be issued under the city in which it is residing, as there are many State trust banks. It seemed logical. I do not agree with the rolls but the legitimacy of the bank still holds questions for me.

    Coins Coins Coins Coins Coins Coins. YES!
  • <<maybe his real name has the H, and he just uses Jon as a stage name.

    Sometimes I sign my name with a G.... and an I.

    such a staunch supporter you are......>>

    Definitely Iron oxidized pen ink. But my fav is how there' a Wells Fargo stamp through the Nevada Clearing House.
  • Wow ended at $3950 someone going to be unhappy.
    He also has other rolls for sale.
    BST Transactions: DonnyJf, MrOrganic, Justanothercoinaddict, Fivecents, Slq, Jdimmick,
    Robb, Tee135, Ibzman350, Mercfan, Outhaul, Erickso1, Cugamongacoins, Indiananationals, Wayne Herndon

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