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My opinion on the "topic of the day"... The Peace toner!

IMHO, this can be similar to a trimmed or altered (valueable) sportscard making it into a holder. Or a restored comic book making it into a an "unrestored" holder... it happens and believe it or not, the "all-mighty" graders are human like the rest of us. And what do humans do?, we make mistakes. I will trust that the Peace is indeed AT but I can't see how a completely substantiated and valid opinion can be made by anyone without inspecting the coin up close and personal.
It is incredibly rare, and if/when a mistake is made, all of a sudden the "world of the collecting hobby" will soon be falling??? Not a chance! This will fade away into the sunset like Clint Eastwood at the end of "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly". Speaking of which, when it comes to toned coins, there are good ones, bad ones, and ugly ones. The good ones will always command attention and a premium, the bad ones will be sifted through, and the ugly ones will be dipped.image

image...There's always time for coin collecting. image


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