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PAYPAL SETTLEMENT received in mail today

Hello guys,

I know some of you asked about this, so now I am telling you to keep a look out in the mail for your settlement check if you filed for the short form or long form. It comes in an envelope, not those pesky little post cards that get lost in the junkmail and inadvertently thrown away.

Apparently, the funds were lower than expected, or just too many people filled out forms so the funds had to be divided equally. I did not get the $50 promised for filling out the short form. It was $13.59. Whatever. I was not a big loser with paypal--they just blocked me from using their services because of a charge back I did awhile ago.

I was not a big time buyer from ebay anyway, so I was not affected as much as many of you here. I hope those of you who suffered more than me under paypal's questionable rules made out OK (those of you who filled out the long form).

I am glad I filed with the class action lawsuit. It was still all worth it. The form was easy to fill out and it validates my complaint against paypal. It is a symbolic victory and a vindication. Plus, having my voice heard and answered to is gratification in it of itself.
"So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve

BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
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