Re: Market Conditions Are Soft and Getting Worst
Man, I wish. Apparently the high-end copper guys didn’t get the memo (View Post)7 -
Re: FUN show - anyone buy a Witter Brick?
Please for the love of God, get out while you’re ahead (View Post)21 -
Re: 1909 Lincoln Memorial Cent what is your opinion?
Yup! Here’s my old photo: So I guess those other two posters up there were *cough wrong *cough *cough with their initial assessments I might also suggest that the OP is “having it on” with us as that… (View Post)8 -
Re: CACG Slabs (how are they shaking out in the market price wise ?)
I need all my slabs to be shaped the same and fit into the same boxes. Maybe I’m more than just a little autistic. I would definitely buy the right coin in a CACG holder but most of what I’ve seen is… (View Post)5 -
Re: 10 Rare Coins Expected To Soar in Value in the Next Five Years
Anyone wanna know my one weird rule that has coin dealers furious? (View Post)10