Greyhairs on the bourse an observation.
look at the photos of show crowds waiting outside the doors just before the opening. Many such are usually posted to show excitement about the show. I count the percentage of " grey hairs" … (View Post)3 -
Re: Will Big Coin Shows Cut Back On Their Show Frequencies ?
Long beach has had 3 shows a year since 1964 it's beginning year. I've been attending since. Only decent sized show on west coast. One Every 4 months. Not like it was due to east coast dealers boycot… (View Post)3 -
Re: Pink toning on silver coins
A collector friend who is a nurse told me a pinkishness can be produced from benadryl used in hospitals. Go figure. People will dip coins in anything. (View Post)1 -
Re: Latin Amercian coins: If you had to give advice to new lurkers on the forums
Thirty five years to put together an NGC Registry bu set of columbus El Salvador pesos ( 1892 -1914 ) ( 6 pop tops) . Not like buying BU MORGAN DOLLARS, obsessively always hunting for years. Sad no o… (View Post)2 -
Re: 30x loupe? (Highest power hand magnifier we use?)
I collect loupes and have all the ones below. These I recommend. 3x4x=7x Bausch and lomb. Nice large lenses. No longer made but still on many B&M shelves or walls . 7x B&L, 5X Eschenbach ( us… (View Post)1