Re: Gold or silver
he mentioned he is a stacker, which means he's probably buying for the long haul and not buying an investment. Silver is the best bet for the intermediate/long haul. My term life insurance is not an … (View Post)1 -
Re: Gold or silver
I'd build my nest egg and be ready for a good dip. (View Post)1 -
Re: Will BRICS replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency?
The "extolling" is in the fact that the dollar is losing its status of a currency backed by military might. Iraq and Libya suffered the consequences of challenging the dollar. BRICS is simp… (View Post)1 -
Re: What is the GSR and why is it used ?
25 year GSR chart: Because gold and silver tend to move in tandem, the GSR tells us when the price of one gets out of whack compared to the price of the other. This increasing or decreasing spread te… (View Post)2 -
U.S. Representative Introduces Bill to End Federal Taxation on Gold and Silver
Would end capital gains taxes (View Post)1