Re: Why is everyone in jail?
politics, don't get sucked in (View Post)4 -
Re: A real audit of the Ft. Knox gold may finally be coming
A more important national treasure, our tax dollars, is in more need of an audit than the Fort. Appears these now occurring audits are exposing massive waste and unaccountability of tax dollars. Prot… (View Post)2 -
Re: available silver drying up?
"With gold trading at $2,940 and silver still down at $32.22, the gold-to-silver ratio is over 90 to 1. Since gold is highly likely to continue rising, an explosive catch-up move in silver is li… (View Post)2 -
Re: A real audit of the Ft. Knox gold may finally be coming
If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its a$$ when it walked. So far he's identified a lot of waste, go Elon. DOGE Is what happens when trust in government hits zero. And for the complaints about head… (View Post)7 -
Re: A real audit of the Ft. Knox gold may finally be coming
when it comes to gov reform who would you trust more, congress persons who made their millions while serving in congress or a private individual who made his billions through innovation and hard work? (View Post)6