Re: "Numismatic Scholar of the 20th Century" --- To A Thrice Convicted Felon?
Considering that the point of the original posting by JCH22 was a deliberate personal attack on those who signed the Rittenhouse letter I find JCH22 to be far less than honest in his response. I note… (View Post)7 -
Re: “E,” “L” Counterstamps on Capped Bust Quarters
I discussed this matter with Breen and we agreed that there was no better solution than a school award. The mass of school award medals in the 19th century is a strong point in favor of the Breen the… (View Post)1 -
Re: “E,” “L” Counterstamps on Capped Bust Quarters
I am not ignoring the question of Mint records. Unlike spacehayduke, however, I have actually used them. The 1815 and 1825 dates were simply obtained from a bank which in turn had received them from … (View Post)1 -
Re: “E,” “L” Counterstamps on Capped Bust Quarters
Mint correspondence for this period of time is reasonably complete and the counter-stamped quarters are not mentioned, directly or indirectly. It may therefore be stated with certainty that the count… (View Post)3 -
Re: Don Willis Out at PCGS
Reminds me of the rumor that FedEx and UPS are going to combine. It will be called Fed-Up. (View Post)5