Re: 1877 Indian vs silver....
Silver and wait three years....then cash out your silver and buy an upgraded 1877 IHC. (View Post)2 -
Re: Gold over $2800 an ounce!
First time it's over $4000 an ounce here in Canada!! I wonder how long it'll be before it's $4000 an ounce US? (View Post)1 -
Re: Best way to pay for coin off of bst
I've recently sold a few items on the BST and I had to dust off my Paypal account (from the old days on Ebay). Everything is working fine so far. (View Post)1 -
All three (never been dipped) are from original mint sets. Shipping with tracking is $15.00 +++SOLD+++++ These prices are not expected. I'm in Canada and I'm not up to date on the US coin market alth… (View Post)2 -
Re: Charmy's BIG HUGE 2025 FUN COIN SHOW REPORT w/Tons of Pics!
A few comments.................... * Always a great report, as usual. * Love those 1877 IHCs * Seth Witter looks like Gavin Newsom's cousin (do they use the same hair gel?) * and the second pic that … (View Post)2