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I heard a rumor the goverment can confiscate gold coins under the patriot act



  • aficionadoaficionado Posts: 2,309 ✭✭✭

    << <i>they would have to find it first. >>

    I agree. Prove I didn't through them in the lake instead of giving them to the Govt. It was my coin, I did what I wanted with it.

  • GrivGriv Posts: 2,804

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Must have heard it from this guy..
    image >>

    Brother, why would you try to make your point with a doctored pic? >>

    The sad part about this is, THIS IS NOT A DOCTORED PIC. I totaly believe this is an original picture..roflmao..image >>

    The sad part is that too many Americans want to believe ANY bad news about President Bush, even if it is stupidly made up. These same people will happily vote Hillary the Devil herself into office then cry as she REALLY takes away your rights. Socialized medicine, like Canada (of course income tax would go up to 50%), no ownership of guns, mandates on everything from running your business to the kind of car you will be allowed to drive. All the people who cry about the Patriot Act haven't lost one drop of sweat much less any rights. The US is safer but still they cry. image
  • Keep this on point. If it continues to progress as general political rants it will be deleted.

  • FrankcoinsFrankcoins Posts: 4,569 ✭✭✭
    If they can send you to a secret prison to be tortured, they can certainly take your gold.
    Frank Provasek - PCGS Authorized Dealer, Life Member ANA, Member TNA. www.frankcoins.com
  • streeterstreeter Posts: 4,312 ✭✭✭✭✭
    consider this,

    Many years ago the law stated that $10,000 was the reporting requirement threshhold. I do not know when but lets say year 2000.

    gold at $260 oz means about 36-39 saints to reach the threshhold

    fast forward to yr 2007. It takes about twelve saints to meet the threshhold.

    The lobster doesn't complain when the water is slowly heated either.

    The sheeple who ask....name a right that has been taken away-------miss the point. Demands are made with constantly inflated dollars and no indexing of the reporting requirements means our rights are taken away a little at a time and most people don't seem to care because we are losing 'economic' rights at the rate of 6-15% a year.

    Have a nice day
  • FrankcoinsFrankcoins Posts: 4,569 ✭✭✭

    << <i>
    The sheeple who ask....name a right that has been taken away-------miss the point. Demands are made with constantly inflated dollars and no indexing of the reporting requirements means our rights are taken away a little at a time and most people don't seem to care because we are losing 'economic' rights at the rate of 6-15% a year. >>

    There is no exempt amount limit on a financial transaction that is "suspicious." There is even a form called the Suspicious Activity Report. When in doubt, report it. it's a crime to tell someone you are filing a report. If you fail to file a report, and one of your customers is charged with "funding terrorism" (maybe gave money to a religious mission that funds a children's hospital in an African nation that 'shields terrorists" ) YOU can be charged with failing to file a report because you "should have known" it was suspicious.

    Frank Provasek - PCGS Authorized Dealer, Life Member ANA, Member TNA. www.frankcoins.com

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