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Hunt Brothers

Can anyone kindly provide a link to any writtem material on the Hunt Brothers attempt to corner the silver market in the late 1970's. Thank you


  • Thanks FC
  • MoneyLAMoneyLA Posts: 1,825
    I was a reporter at CBS in New York and was the first to report the Hunt's problem meeting the margin calls. I broke the story. I interviewed the chairman of Bache Halsey (the Hunts' broker) about it that day, and my interivew was on the Cronkite broadcast that night, voiced by Ray Brady. I did the radio reports. Because CBS would not let me do the TV piece (and just the radio reports) I made my decision to leave CBS and I went off to work at WTVJ in Miami. Then to LA in 1987.

    I never revealed who tipped me off to the Hunts failing to meet the margin call. I think it was one heck of a "leak."

    cheers, Alan Mendelson
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
  • orieorie Posts: 998
    Only us old guys find this one very interesting. Who was the fellow who bought rare coins for the Hunt brothers? He lived in California and owned a pro hockey team. Does anyone know what happened to him?

    I found the answer to my question, Bruce McNall.
  • percybpercyb Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I was a reporter at CBS in New York and was the first to report the Hunt's problem meeting the margin calls. I broke the story. I interviewed the chairman of Bache Halsey (the Hunts' broker) about it that day, and my interivew was on the Cronkite broadcast that night, voiced by Ray Brady. I did the radio reports. Because CBS would not let me do the TV piece (and just the radio reports) I made my decision to leave CBS and I went off to work at WTVJ in Miami. Then to LA in 1987.

    I never revealed who tipped me off to the Hunts failing to meet the margin call. I think it was one heck of a "leak."

    cheers, Alan Mendelson
    www.BestDealsTVshow.com >>

    I was an order shagger for a local commodity firm on the Chicago Board of Trade then where Silver was traded. The choatic episode in the pits then is indelibly marked upon my memory.
    "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world." PBShelley
  • SLQSLQ Posts: 311 ✭✭

    << <i>

    I never revealed who tipped me off to the Hunts failing to meet the margin call. I think it was one heck of a "leak."

    Can you reveal it now? Was Mark Felt involved?
  • ebaytraderebaytrader Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Only us old guys find this one very interesting. Who was the fellow who bought rare coins for the Hunt brothers? He lived in California and owned a pro hockey team. Does anyone know what happened to him?

    I found the answer to my question, Bruce McNall. >>

    Coin lore has it that McNall'ss first purchase was an expensive gold coin at a show. He showed it around to a couple of dealers that told him it was counterfeit. He went back to the selling dealer and asked for a refund. The dealer said that it wasn't the same coin. McNall spent most of his time in coins getting screwed.
  • Dr Jerry Busse - I think I spelled his last name incorrectly.

  • In the late 70's, early 80's when gold & silver took off I worked for my parents jewelry store in Balto. MD. at the time I was taking GIA classes,
    I can't remember which way it was but at some point only jewelers could send gold to the refiners and only coin dealers could send silver to refiners,
    as I said it could have been the other way around....
    anyway we worked out a deal with a coin dealer in Odenton MD,

    I think it was called Odenton coin, they were one of the shops on the evening news with lines of people stretching around the block,as part of the deal I was sent to Odenton coin to look at the diamond and platinum pieces to give advice on which ones to scrap and which were worth more the way they were. I can remember everyday day the owner or his wife would go to the bank about noon and bring back another briefcase with 100,000 cash in it to get through the afternoon.......the buying was unbelievable,

    I used to sit at the corner of the owners desk looking at diamonds all day, he never said much, Ill never forget one day when the buying was really frantic, he looked at me and said "I don't know how much money I'm making, but if I stop to count it I'm gonna lose a lot of money !

    Those were some great times............
  • MoneyLAMoneyLA Posts: 1,825
    It would be improper for me to name my source without his/her permission.

    cheers, Alan Mendelson

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